Saturday, 4 April 2020

15mm Kings of War, the Ogre Army

As I mentioned previously, I'm taking a short break from painting ogres and red goblins, but I thought it might be nice to show the whole of the army as it currently stands.

Of course I have plans to expand it. More Warriors, both with shields and with great weapons. More Berserker Braves. More missile troops, I've enough plastic blunderbusses for another regiment of Boomers, and I'd like to do more Shooters, though I'll probably use the Naiad harpoon gun rather than crossbows.

I've some ideas for conversions for Hunters, and a slightly different take on Chariots. The giant needs re-basing as he is now a Titan, or I might paint up a bigger giant, I've got a suitable old GW one somewhere. And there's always more Red Goblins.

I'm gonna need a bigger box.

If you want to follow my blogs about the ogres, you can find the post talking about the initial idea here, the first lot of painted minis are here.  The next lot of minis are here, and further reinforcements here. The Ogre Siegebreakers are here, the Army Standard is here, and the final lot are here.


  1. I just enjoyed zooming in on your whole army photo's. I was going to say that they shall be conquered and fall like dust at the feet of my goblins, but seeing all of them my goblins have decided to stay at home and have a nice cup of tea instead.

    1. Ah, tea. My Ogre's one true weakness.
      Glad you like them, I'm already planning more reinforcements, and it would be great to get them on the table sometime.


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...