Monday, 11 January 2021

Kings of War Ogres (an revision of an original post from 2018)

Just a quick note to say that this post is a rewrite of the original.
I have (as of January 2021) tried to update some of the photos on the blog, but unfortunately using my phone to edit I have managed to delete the original post, though not the comments oddly.

Anyway, here are the first batch of ogres I painted for my 15mm Kings of War army. 
I talked about how I chose them here, along with some of them part painted. 

First up is a regiment of ogres, or half a horde, should I choose to field them that way. 
I wanted something to add to the bases to emphasise the scale. I thought about some animals, or perhaps some sort of human sized equipment, but then I remembered the old Warhammer ogres with their accompanying goblin helpers (noblars?). I had some of the very nice Ral Partha Demonworld goblins, and I thought they would do nicely, especially since Kings of War Ogres are accompanied by Red Goblins (named for their clothing rather than skin colour or politics). 

Ogre Warriors regiment, complete with Red Goblin helper/mascot/emergency rations.

And here's another regiment of ogre warriors, together they will make one horde. 

These chaps have a braver Red Goblin

To lead them I have this excellent hero. I like his commanding pose. He has his little Red Goblin helper as well. 

War Chief Brak-na-Hak

Some magical support in the form of a Warlock.

Wise Old Kafiri. 

And the heavy hitter, Guthrum Mane the Rock Giant. Yes, he is straight from the Orc's Drift forces, as seen here, I've simply finished off his base. 
I actually had quite a few of the Demonworld goblins, and since they worked so well on the ogre bases, I painted up a regiment of spitters. These were simple to do. I used three different skin tones to add variety, all the cloth was red (so the ogres can quickly identify 'their' goblins in the heat of battle) and the whole lot based together, since a regiment is the smallest sized unit of them. 

I think sixteen goblins look fine as a regiment

I painted this chap up to go on an ogre base, but then I realised that Red Goblins can have 'Biggits' as heroes. 
When I say goblin hero, don't expect too much

And finally, a group shot of everything so far. 
I can't use it all at once as a legal army, I need some more ogre units to unlock that many heroes, but I can certainly get a small force on the table now.  I'm very pleased with how these look, and I'm already planning some reinforcements. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is a really nice looking force, a great start to a new army.

    1. Thanks. I'm really pleased with how they turned out, and I'm looking forward to developing the army further.


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