Friday, 29 January 2021

Reaper Bones 77512 Flesh Golem - Palette Cleanser 2

As my next Palette Cleanser I randomly chose a Reaper Bones Flesh Golem. 

I removed any mould lines and the 'broccoli' base and inserted wire into the legs. I then gave it a good wash. 
I gave the whole mini a coat of Vallejo Extra Opaque Heavy Skintone, then I picked out various metal details in Vallejo Game Colour Gunmetal Metal.
Once this was dry I gave the metal areas a wash of VGC Black Wash. 
I then gave the pants a base coat of VEO Heavy Charcoal followed by a black wash. I reset the charcoal, then highlighted by mixing increasing amounts of VGC Cold Grey.

The Patchwork Man

I painted different patches of flesh with VGC Dwarf Flesh, VGC Pale Flesh and VGC Rotting Flesh, leaving some parts in the base colour. Then I gave all the flesh a wash of Army Painter Flesh Wash (while I prefer Vallejo for most colours, the Army Painter Flesh Wash is much better).

Once dry I reset the different skin shades with the relevant base colours, then highlighted by mixing in the next lighter colour. For both the Rotting Flesh and the Pale Flesh I used VGC Elfic Flesh (I got this paint from one of the Vallejo Special sets, I'm sure VGC Off White would work).

I highlighted the metal bits with either VGC Chainmail Silver or VGC Beaten Copper, I was thinking of electrical contacts in true horror movie style.

The tubes and flasks I painted either red or blue, I was thinking vaguely of blood here, though why a construct would have blood, I'm not sure. I later realised that some of these were supposed to be guts poking out of a hole in the stomach, so I painted them accordingly.

Then it was simply a case of varnishing and basing, and another Reaper Bones mini finished.

Incidentally I've realised that I've used three different varnish finishes recently. Straight gloss for the Dreadball Robots here, silk on top of gloss for the Clone Troopers here and a more traditional matt on top of gloss for others.

This was another fun mini to do.  It may come in useful in games of Fistful of Lead's Gothic Horror supplement. I'm sure it would make a good companion/bodyguard for a mad doctor.  And, of course, it's an ideal Flesh Golem in D&D, a monster, I now realise, I've never used.


  1. Nice painting on a gory chap.

    1. Thanks, another fun mini to paint.
      I had too much light for the photos, so the colours are a bit washed out. You get the idea though.

  2. Noice! Well, ghastly, but yaknowhaddimean :)


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