Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Clone Troopers for Fistful of Lead Galactic Heroes

Here are the opposition for the villains I painted in December.  Again they are old Wizards of the Coast pre-painted Star Wars minis.  Between us, my son and I seem to have a lot of Clone Troopers, including some rather nice vehicles, so I can see quite a few turning up in games of Galactic Heroes.  Who knows, maybe even in the 'Bigger Battles' rules?

After cleaning up the minis and removing the integral bases I gave them all a good wash.  I glue wire into the feet to make it easy to hold the minis during painting and to pin them into the base once finished.

I followed a paint scheme by Sonic Sledgehammer (check out his stuff, its good),  he's painting Stormtroopers, but the principle is the same.  Rather than using one of the recommended spray undercoats I mixed VGC Dead White with a little VGC Glacier blue and some VMC Satin Varnish.  The varnish helps to give a smooth surface for the Contrast paints.  

Then a basecoat of GWC Apothacarian White followed with a white drybrush.  The WotC minis are smaller than modern day minis, especially the newer Star Wars Legion stuff, and the relief is less, but the Contrast paint seems to work. I used GWC Black Templar for the bits of the black undersuit that shows ath knees, shoulders, gloves etc, as well as weapons and equipment. As suggested by Sonic Sledgehammer, I gave the guns a further coat of GWC Basilicanum Grey. A bit of research on Wookieepedia suggested that sergeants may at some point have had green detailing, and heavy weapons troops may have had blue. I used more traditional methods and various Vallejo paints, for these. They were then gloss varnished, and a final coat of satin varnish gives the right look to the finished armour.  

I'm very pleased with how well these came out. Using Contrast paints seems to do the job, though they do need the drybrush for the highlights. I may try some more Clone Troopers using a more traditional white with grey wash, as I did with the Star Saga lab technicians here, to compare the two methods.


  1. Excellent painting, they look great. May the force be with them??? (or against them when they play me!).

    1. Thank you. They were pretty quick to do, partly, perhaps, down to the Contrast paints. I still think they needed the drybrushed highlights though, with just the contrast paint they looked quite flat.

  2. They've turned our REALLY well. I think it's the glacier blue being thrown into the mix, but that armour has a lovely depth of colour to it.

    1. Thanks.
      I'm really pleased with how these turned out. I'll definitely do some more, and I'll use the same technique for any stormtroopers.
      I might even try this with some space marines and or enforcers.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...