Saturday, 28 December 2019

Star Saga Minis

I got Star Saga just over two years ago (here's my review of the boxed set).  Since then I've played it a bit, and kept promising myself I'd  get round to painting the minis.
With the Monday night group now nominally for board games and similar we've been playing quite a bit of Star Saga recently.  Its a great fun game.
When we took a short break for various reasons I took advantage of the chance to finally slap some paint on some of the minis.

Dulinsky, Wrath and Alyse

Curby, 'the Devil' and Ogan (Curby is waiting for some clear acrylic rod for his base)

Two of the Lab Technicians

Guard Commander Graves and some of his Security Guards

The GCPS Marines are done but are waiting for basing.  I've still got the Rangers to finish, and the Plague Victims and Aberration to start.  After that there's the furniture and the doors.
Once I've done these I suppose I should get the expansions done too.  Maybe I'll see if the group wants to go on with them first.

The minis were fun to paint.  The detail is pretty good; not as great as on the resin versions (which seem to be the ones used for pictures in the rules books), but quite good enough for playing the game.  I used a variant of my 'base coat, extreme highlight and all-over wash' that I use for 15mm.  I chose washes for individual areas rather than just one colour for everything (usually a mix of soft and strong tone from Army Painter).  I think they look OK.  I based the colour schemes on the ones in the rulebook, with a few simplifications in places.

Of course, I've not just painted the minis for the game, I've incidentally got a good amount of the minis needed for at least two of the new factions in Deadzone Escalation; Mazon Labs and Mercenaries.  I may well try one or both of these soon.  I have in my collection many of the other options for these factions, and the Star Saga expansions add further potential Deadzone minis (more Rebs and a specialist Vermyn list).  I do like it when a mini has more than one use.

1 comment:

  1. A super looking bunch of figures and good that they are of multi use.


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