Friday, 6 December 2019

A Bit of Stuff

Just a quick mention of Recon, Wakefield and district Wargamers annual show at Pudsey Leisure Centre.  It's usually a good show, and I hope to be there tomorrow (7th December).

I don't often recommend things, especially outside of the hobby, but I've recently been enjoying The Case of Charles Dexter Ward podcast.  a well done reimagining of the classic Lovecraft tale set in the present day.  Not all reimaginings work for me (War of the Worlds, I'm looking at you), but this is outstanding, and I'm listening to it as I paint ogres and marines (not the marines you are probably thinking of). 
This series came out a while ago, and there is a new story, The Whisperer in the Darkness, that I'm looking forward to.  Makes me think about running Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green again.

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