Friday, 22 November 2019

Kings of War Third Edition - Going Larger

I got another game of teh new edition of Kings of War in recently, this time in 28m scale.
I fielded 1000 points of my orcs against T'Other One's undead.
As before, I'll not try to give a blow by blow account, but here are some pictures.

The undead in all their glory

The orcs ready for battle

Both armies move forwards

The inevitable horde vs horde clash

Gore riders take on (and eventually fall to) the Goreblight

The ax horde have disposed of the zombies, only to be halted by a necromancer.

In the end it was a draw, though only just, the undead definitely had the upper claw.
Another great fun battle against a good opponent.  The Goreblight was a nasty surprise (I think it came form a recent kickstarter, and was originally destined to be part of a zombie horde).  I made much better use of Drain Life this time, placing my Godspeaker behind a unit in melee and using it to damage the opponents while healing the orcs.  
I had another instance of the dice making a fool of me.  A horde of orcs failed to rout a lone necromancer.  Although he was yielding, I simply didn't have enough room to move over him and had relied on wiping him out then turning to face the Goreblight which was at that time mashing my greataxes.  I think sandwiching it between these two units would have got rid of it, but it was not to be.  Pesky necromancer.  Perhaps I need to adjust my guesstimates as to the result of melees, as that's two battles now where I have been caught out.
I think T'other One also enjoyed the battle, and I'm looking forward to facing his undead again soon, especially on his nice terrain.

After the battle I thought my orcs need a bit of a fettle up.  There are quite a few broken weapons, greataxes especially, and these tend to be the ones sticking over the unit base.  I might even rebase them a unit at a time, taking more care over to avoid vulnerable weapons.
I should also do a terrain box for my 28mm games like the 15mm one I did here.


  1. A splendid looking game, must get some ore 28mm figures painted myself.

  2. Thanks, yes you should. What would you go for?


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