Friday, 19 April 2019

Terrain - The League of Rhordia in a Box

I short while ago I talked about my plans for organising my terrain (here).  Well the first set is complete now; a set of 15mm terrain priciply designed for Kings of War games set in and around the League.  You can see it getting its first play here.  Of course it will do just as well for Kingdoms of Men or any basically human settled lands.  You may note that I have used my Orc's Drift buildings, and eventually I might replace them, keeping them seperate for special games, but that's likely to be a long way off, and if you look back here, you will see that I originally built them for the League anyway; Dragon Rampant Orc's Drift came later.

A nine litre Really Useful Box packed full of 15mm terrain

 So what's in the box?
Hills, as per my chart on the earlier post, a single hill and a four part hill.  I don't think I need to show the construction process (comments below if you want this), I designed them so that the four part hill fits in the bottom of the Really Useful Box in the corners, with the single hill slotting in the centre.
Here they are set up, of course the four part hill is very flexible.

On top of the hills is a tray (actually a slightly modified lid from a box of printer paper) which holds the buildings.  At the moment all my Orcs Drift buildings are in here, so there's plenty of room.  Also in the tray is another box holding the trees and the fences and walls.  Under this smaller box fit the fields and the bases for the woods.  

The buildings in the box are far more than I would want for a standard wargame, but they'l make a great village for a skirmish game.  Here they all are.

I made the fields and woods especially for this project.  They are MDF with texture added.  The woods have a layer of foam board with cut-outs for the individual trees, the fields were designed to be easily surrounded by my hedges (See how they are made here, and I must get round to finishing that tutorial).  After all, no farmer would have crops left to the mercy of wandering wildlife.

I'm planning on replacing the trees with some fruit trees and some flowering trees (cherry?) to give the woods a more cultivated look, but these trees will do for now.

Here's an example of a setup.  I hope it gives the feel of settled farming lands.  I think there's about enough terrain, and that's not the whole box full.

There is still enough room in the 9 litre RUB to fit a few more items.  I can slot some thin items down the side of the tray, such as a pond or some road or river sections, depending on how I make them (I'm currently torn between using felt with paint and texture added, or something more solid along the lines of the fields.  Another field might be in order too, along with sufficient hedging to surround them all.  I'd like to add some random 'colour' bits as well to increase the 'feel' of the place; such as barrels and crates, a cart, scarecrow etc.  Thes just add colour in a big battle and will be ignored for Line of Sight etc, but can double as objectives.

All in all I'm very pleased with this set.  It has the advantage of all being in one box, so is easily found (or lost!) in the loft of shame, and contains all I need for a game.  If I'm doing a skirmish game on a smaller battlefield its fine, the scenery should be more crowded anyway.

Next up will probably be a box of 28mm terrain using a 35 litre box (or maybe the 18 litre if I can get away with it).  I might try some mountainous scenery, possibly dwarven themed since I got a couple of nice buildings recently.  This set will have more hills and some impassable rocks.  Boulder fields will replace farming fields and I'm sure to need a stream.

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