Thursday, 21 December 2017

15mm Cottage

I enjoyed making the tower so much that I decided to make a cottage to accompany it.  At this rate I'll soon have a village for my League troops to fight over.

This one is based on one of the buildings from the second edition Warhammer Fantasy pack "Bloodbath At Orc's Drift".  Rather than reducing the measurements as I did for the tower, I simply copied my original at 60%, then used that as a template.

The body is once again made from the card from an envelope, with thinner card used for the roof tiles and the door planks.  I had forgotten how tedious tiling a roof can be, but the relatively small size meant it didn't take too long.  The chimney stack is XPS foam.  That's the original position for it, but logic suggests it should be against a wall with a large stack as part of the building.  Maybe next time.

As an experiment I textured the wattle panels simply by dabbing on craft glue.  We shall see how well that works once it's painted.

As this project is to provide some themed Rhordian terrain, I suppose I ought to make something for the halflings.  LotR style hobbit holes might be a bit obvious; perhaps some smaller 'grub hut' style buildings?  Or will that look too primitive?
Another possibility is to adapt the various tower houses in the GW sets with halfling sized doors; in an ironic twist they live in the tallest buildings in the League.

If anyone has any suggestions please drop a comment.

See the finished cottage here.


  1. There are some 15mm resin hobbit houses on ebay.

    1. Thanks, I'll take a look, though I was thinking about trying to get away from the LotR look.


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