Thursday, 14 December 2017

League Reinforcements

I've got some more troops ready for my League of Rhordia army.  Some are just rebased minis from my old 15mm Empire WFB army, but I've painted a couple of troops of new minis as well.
Household Knights.  These were my old Reiksguard.  Essex miniatures cavalry of various codes.  They do need a bit of attention, on the lances especially.

Crossbows.  These are Lancashire Games.  They are all the same pose, though when I come to do another troop I'll do a bit of converting so they can have a standard and a captain at least.

City Spear Militia.  A full regiment of Essex medievals.  Again these are just rebased, and need a bit of attention to the paintwork in places.

House Guard.  More Essex designed to add to the earlier troop. Most of these were painted for the League.

City Militia. Essex billmen.  These are new as well.  They look grubbier than the earlier paint jobs, I'm not sure if that really works at this scale.  When I next send off to Essex I'll get enough to make a full regiment.

I haven't done standards yet.  I am not sure if I should replace all the standards to get away from the Empire look.  After all, I already have that in my Kingdoms of Men army in 28mm.  If I did start afresh, I'm not sure what look I would go for.  The League originally consisted of five city-states, though two were destroyed by the orc invasion that lead to the creation of the League.  I could have three (or five, if they rebuilt afterwards) main colour schemes with associated heraldry.  The halflings joined afterwards, and I have had some (not very original) ideas for them once I get some more halfling units.  
If I look at what I already have, it pretty much breaks down into red and blue, who tend to be the better equipped troops, Blue and white, and with the new billmen, green and yellow.  Each of these could be the colours of one of the city-states.  I think that the red and blue troops are from Eowolf (the only named city) as it appears to be the principle city of the League and home of the College of Warcraft.

So what has that done to this month's totals?
Current totals for December
Bought 124 (Magic the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers, Star Saga)
Painted 6 (two troops of 15mm minis)
Sold/traded 0

The two acquisitions have given me a huge mountain to climb, though I have included all the crates, doors, desks etc.  I have started on some of the MtG minis though, just to see how well they paint up, and I have some more 15mm stuff to finish.


  1. You are making better progress than Me!

  2. My total for the last month, bought 137, painted 20, rebased some 15mm!

    1. I did pretty well last month. This month not so much. I can't see me getting a huge amount more done, what with seasonal stuff etc.


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