Tuesday, 19 December 2017

15mm Tower

I quickly built this simple tower as some additional terrain for the League of Rhordia to fight over/for.

I simply reduced the measurements to 3/5ths of the original.  Looking at it it is perhaps a bit small, but it will do.

It is actually based on the very first wargaming model I ever made; the stone tower off the back of one of the early Citadel Journals.   I made the stone tower, a wooden variant, and the cottage. I always prefered their 'mock Medieval' look of the early editions to their later 'Skullsville' style, and given that I am no longer playing in the Warhammer World (a moment's silence, please) this works fine for me.
I recently found that virtually all the original card models were reproduced in Warhammer Townscape.  That didn't matter to me, as I have all the originals, having photocopied them back in my youth and built sturdier versions on thick card.  

Back in the day when I made these for 28mm Warhammer I stuck card copies onto thick card taken from the bin at work.  This stuff was amazing for modelling, being about 5mm thick though an absolute beast to cut out windows and doors.  Very sturdy though, and I still have one or two lying around.  Then I added balsa and filler for texture and painted with my model paints.

The 15mm version is much simpler to build, simply draw the shape out on one of those card envelopes the online delivery firms use to post (wargames) books, cut out, fold and stick, and add the fiddly bits of stone edging.  Use filler for texture, and a simple paint job.

The wizard has had a new coat of paint too, though he is still awaiting varnish.  I'll do a mammoth varnishing session soon, as I have several bits and pieces to protect, so I'm claiming him for the totals a bit previously.

So what has that done to this month's totals?
Current totals for December
Painted 1 (1)
Bought 124 (Magic the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers, Star Saga)
Painted 7 (two troops of 15mm minis and 15mm wizard, being a character figure, he counts as 1, if only because I need the numbers)
Sold/traded 0
Terrain 1 (15mm tower scratch built)

At this rate I'm not going to get into the black this month.


  1. Where is the rest of the castle???

    1. I will build more of these, though maybe not a whole castle. the next one will have either windows or shutters, it must be very dark inside this tower.

  2. I hadn't spotted the lack of windows or even arrow slits, maybe your army has infra-vision?

    1. They'd need X-Ray vision in that place. I'll correct it on the next one. I think I'll do the cottage next though.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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