Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Kings of War Battle - Herd vs League of Rhordia - Gugrot's Revenge

I had a return visit from Merlin recently and we continued the vague storyline of my League of Rhordia vs his Herd.  Last time he lost, so I decided that his general from the previous battle was being made an example of.  The Herd leader from the first battle had survived though, so clearly he would be after revenge.

The scenario briefly involved the League attempting to try and execute the Herd general from the last game in a village on the edge of the Wilderlands.  There were probably political reasons for this, but it was an unwise choice as Gugrot, survivor of the battle at Froswick Farm saw his chance to take Bas-Ra back, not to rescue him, but so he could face punishment for his failure before his peers.  
Bas-Ra could not move as long as there was a scoring unit within 6".  If he was ever able to move, he would move at normal rate (his chains slowed him down) towards the nearest short table edge, avoiding troops of either side.
Whoever ended up with Bas-Ra could claim a Major Victory, if he escaped then a Minor Victory went to the side causing the most damage to their opponent.

God's eye view of the battlefield

The village of south Elig just prior to the arrival of Duke Errington and the trial of Bas-Ra, ex Herd general.

Looking out to the wild from the village.  

The two forces line up

The Herd, eager to deny the League the chance to execute Bas-Ra

The League, determined to see the Beastlord pay for his crimes

The Herd advance
The Herd advanced, one of the Centaur Brayherds taking advantage of the cover offered by the wood, followed by the Guardian Brutes.  Desultory missile and spell shots caused minor casualties to the League forces, but they just shrugged it off.
making their way through the Wilderlands.

The League tries a flanking maneuver
The bulk of the League army stayed where it was, adjusting it's position slightly in response to the Herd.  The two regiments of Knights rode off in an attempt to flank the enemy.  League archery was little better than the Herd's had been, but Cali Starbrow, Halfling sorcerer extraordinaire, used the arcane power of his spells (and magic 'hat') to blast the huge Brutox back, hurting it in the process.

The Herd continues its advance
 The Beast Pack ranged far out ahead to try and put pressure on the League while the rest of the army sought cover in the fields and woods.  Lucky shots from the Centaurs in the centre of the field, along with the magical power of the 'Boomstick' wiped out the crossbowmen in the village.  The Herd cheered, the rest of the humans and halflings would soon follow.  Encouraged, the shaman brought a blizzard down on the Dogs of War, but it caused only a little damage.  Gugrot, now armed with a bow, proved no marksman and the Centaurs on the flank were unable to touch the Halfling Knights.

The League awaits the enemy
Duke Errington's response was measured.  He accepted that there would be casualties, though the loss of the crossbows so early in the battle was unfortunate.  The Halfling Knights were spurred into action, but the centaurs were too far away to contact.  They hoped to draw them out and disrupt the Herd battleline.  The Household Knights continued their trek around the enemy flank, hoping there would be something left for them to charge by the time they arrived.
Teh Halfling archers softened the Centaur Brayhunters up for their mounted kin.  The halfling scouts drew a bead on the huge Brutox, easily visible beyond the field, and missed.  Cali once more used his magic to push  the Centaurs facing him backwards, the hybrid creatures neighed and cried out in pain as they moved.

The Herd makes contact
 With shouts, cries and bellows the majority of the Herd army crashed into the League.  The Brayhunters charged into the Halfling Knights while the Guardian Beasts rushed up to the hedgerow defended by the Halfling Archers while Gugrot assaulted them from the side.  Both the Longmanes and the Brutox smashed into the Dogs of War.  In the centre of the village the Longhorns charged the City spear Militia, the Centaurs were unable to reach the enemy, but ran forward and eyed Bas-Ra as he struggled against his bonds.
All this action distracted the Shaman, who failed to direct his magical Blizzard successfully; he had hoped to hurt the onrushing knights.  His Totem Bearer proved a better shot with the Boomstick, though the Knight's armour reduced the power of the blow.
The Centaurs on the flank slew a few of the Halfling Knights, but they held firm, as did the City Militia, though more of them fell to the Longhorns.  Several of the mercenaries fell before the combined assault of Brutox and centaurs, but they too held and prepared to return the compliment.
The Herd makes some progress against the League

The League retaliates
On the left flank the Halfling Knights closed the gap with the Centaur Brayhunters whilst in the field the Halfling Archers drew knives and prepared to take down as many of the Guardian Beasts as they could.  Seeing their opportunity, the Halfling Scouts smartly pivoted and charged the Longmanes in the flank, while the Dogs of War charged their front, ignoring the hulking Brutox for now.  In the village Duke Errington made a snap decision.  He suspected that the Beasts he had seen ranging off to his right might be behind the village by now, but the Herd in the centre was the bigger threat.  He ordered his Guard to charge the Centaurs and urged the Militia back in against the Longhorns.  Cali and he held the gap between the Inn and a farmhouse, aware now that the Beasts arrived.  Meanwhile on the right flank, the Red Knights crested the hill and viewed the  battle before them before urging their mounts down ready for action.  Out of sight of the rest of the army, the Red Knights rode up between the wood and the hill.
Cali pushed the Beasts backwards, but his casting was hurried and they only stumbled a few yards and seemed otherwise unaffected.
The Halfling Knights speared several of the Centaurs, but the remainder of the pack held.  Their archer kin were unable to harm the Guardian Beasts and fell back from the hedge.  They knew the beasts would be over soon, and things looked grim.  The mercenaries and scouts fared better, wiping out the Longmanes.  The scouts once more smartly turned ready for the onslaught.  In the village the Militia acquitted itself well.  Though they were unable to wipe out the Longhorns, they killed many of them, and the rest just milled around in confusion.  The House Guard did even better, slaying all the Centaurs, then about facing to prepare for the Beasts.

The Centaur Brayhunters charged into the Halfling Knights while the Guardian Beasts closed once more with the weary Halfling Archers.  Gugrot took his chance and ran into the Halfling Scouts.  in the village the Beasts met the House Guard, the Longhorns looked around in panic, able to little more that face the dangerously close Knights.
Both Shaman and Totem Bearer used their powers to inflict harm on the Knights, but they were unfazed by the magical barrage.
The Beasts gored a few of the House Guard, but the stout warriors held.   Although the Brutox killed only a few of the Dogs of War, they stumbled around in confusion, unwilling to fight further for the while.  The Halfling Scouts lost more of their number to Gugrot, but proved braver than the mercenaries and refused to yield.  Their kin fared less well, falling to the Guardian Beasts who then swarmed over the hedgerow.  On the left flank the Centaurs slew some more of the Halfling Knights, but they held.
The League takes loses

Leveling their lances the Red knights charged the confused Longhorns who were also charged in the flank by the City Militia, the White Knights advanced, unsure whether to go for the Shaman or the Totem Bearer.  On the other side of the village the House Guard waded into the Beasts, greatswords swinging.  Things were going less well for the League on the left flank; the Halfling Knights charged back into the Centaurs, but the Dogs of War began to withdraw.  Shrugging fatalistically, the Halfling Scouts showed their discipline once more and spun round to attack Gugrot.  They knew they had little chance, but if they could slow or stop the enemy general, perhaps their sacrifice would not have been in vain (and if I had remembered they had Pathfinder they might have done a little better.  A little).
Cali tried to get round to see the Brutox.  It was injured and had shown none of the strange healing that it's kin had at Mardale (a very poor run of Regeneration rolls from Merlin), alas the building was just too tall to see the creature beyond.  Duke Errington move into shouting distance of the Dogs of War, maybe he could bolster their courage for the inevitable Brotox attack.
Unsurprisingly, the Longhorns broke under the combined League assault adn on the left flank the Halfling Knights also wiped out their Centaur opponents, wheeling round to face the Guardian Beasts and, hopefully, begin to turn the enemy flank.  The Halfling Scouts were unable even to hurt Gugrot (see earlier comment about forgetting Pathfinder, but it wouldn't have made a difference). The House Guard chopped and sliced the Beasts, but they were too maddened to notice their heavy casualties (yet another double 1 Nerve test).  Duke Errington knew his men held the village, and he was confident they would keep it, and the prisoner, to the end.  But he was worried what damage the Brutes and the Brutox could do, especially to the vulnerable Dogs of War, and Gugrot had yet to be even scratched.  Perhaps he would have to wade in again; he hated getting his armour dirty.
The League fight back

On the left flank the Guardian Brutes took the Halfling Scouts in the flank; they were too engrossed in Gugrot and hadn't seen their danger.  Gugrot growled and moved into the field while the Brutox, miraculously healed, smashed into the Dogs of War.  The stubborn Beasts once more charged into the House Guard.
The Shaman, seeing his danger, targeted the Knights with another Blizzard, but only a few fell.  The Totem Bearer's Boomstick was even less successful, missing completely, as did Gugrot loosing his bow at the Halfling Knights.
Unsurprisingly, neither the depleted Halfling Scouts nor the Dogs of War held, both being smashed into the mud by their bestial opponents.  In the village the House Guard continued to take casualties to the Beasts, but insufficient to worry them.
Before the Herd assault...
...and after, the Halfling Scouts and the Dogs of War destroyed

Duke Errington ordered his troops to protect the village, he knew it was now safe, but he had to do something about his left flank.  The Halfling Knights couldn't hold out much longer, and there were some fierce opponents still there.
North of the village the Red Knights charged the Shaman, while the White Knights charged the Totem Bearer.  The Halfling Knights desperately charged Gugrot.  They had seen all their kin destroyed by the Herd, would they fare any better?  The House Guard once more charged into the Beasts, determined finally to wipe them out.
Cali wisely retreated over the fence behind the inn,  He aimed his spell at the Brutox, but the Wind Blast was weak and the huge creature merely stepped back a few paces.
The House Guard pulled down the last of the Beasts and pivoted back to face the village square and the prisoner.  The White Knights easily rode down the Totem Bearer despite losing impetus charging through a hedge, unfortunately their Red Brethren blocked their way onward to the Shaman.  The Red Knights charge hurt the Shaman, he still stood, but his head spun and he couldn't concentrate.  The halfling Knights injured Gugrot, but it was just a scratch.  In dismay they backed off, they knew he would be after them next.
The Knights' charge
and its aftermath.

Enraged, the Brutox charged the Halfling Sorcerer hiding behind the fence.  Teh Guardian Beasts turned to face the threat of the Knights, while the Shaman, too dazed to do anything else, retreated back towards the woods.  Gugrot could see his plans fading away like morning mists.  The men were destined to keep Bas-Ra; he no longer cared.  Now to destroy these annoying half-men and then vanish.  He would have his revenge one day.
The Brotox, clearly unused to man made fences, was unable to hit the Sorcerer (though afterwards Merlin realised the Brutox had Strider, doh!), and backed off, confused.  Gugrot fared better, trampling the last of the Halfling Knights beneath his hooves.
The Herd's final throw of the dice

With an impressive display of horsemanship the Red Knights charged the Shaman, pulping him into the mud near the woods.  Timing their move to perfection, the White Knights charged the Guardian Brutes, but they were hindered by the hedges, and did little damage.  Cali once more blasted the Brutox back.
The League's final charges.

Few left on the fields of slaughter, but more League than Herd.

The triumphant League hold the village
Duke Errington surveyed the village and its surroundings.  This should have been a simple exercise in justice; a demonstration to the locals of both the dangers of the Wild, and the power of the League.  Well, at least he had shown that power today, though at great cost.  Apart from Cali, the mysterious sorcerer, all the halflings had been wiped out.  This was becoming a habit.  If he wasn't careful, the Halfling elders would refuse his calls for aid.
Still, the Wild was beaten back again, at least for a little while.

The remaining Herd decide they've had enough

Looking back Gugrot could see the pillar of smoke rising from the village.  The humans and their unnatural half man allies were burning Bas-Ra.  He called out and the rest of the Herd, what remained of it, withdrew to fight another day.

This was always going to be a tricky game for Merlin, thinking about it now it would have been fairer if Bas-Ra had been placed as an objective in the centre of the table, with rules for releasing him, and the possibility of him escaping a capturing unit.  Still, the advantage was supposed to be mine, a continuation of last game's story line; just, perhaps, not quite so much of an advantage.
Regardless, we both had a great game, and I'm looking forward to what Merlin has cooked up for me in the summer.  I just hope the Halflings of the League don't decide to hire my new ogres and start a halfling uprising against Duke Errington.

This battle saw a couple of (minor) firsts; our first 1500 point battle with either of these armies, so we were still getting to grips with how they work best, and the first use of my League of Rhordia terrain set.  As I mentioned recently, I'm building themed sets which fit nicely into boxes, I think it looks pretty good. I'll do a post about it soon, there are still a few little bits to adjust and add to.

I've got the orders of battle and a few extra pictures on a seperate post here


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. I remember with fondness the old White Dwarf batreps, but I used to cringe when game terms crept into the narrative.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, it's fun writing them up as well, though I find I have to take notes these days, lots and lots of notes.

  3. nice to see a story building here,did any one unit really stand out for either of you? also love the idea of the tree multibases ive got a couple of big movement bases like that and am now going to use them the same way,thanks

    1. Thanks. For me its hard to say which was my best unit. The House Guard and both units of Knights held up well and did a lot of damage, but I expected them to. It was the first time I tried the Dogs of War, and had they been up against one unit rather than the Longmanes and the Brutox, I think they would have lasted and acquitted themselves well. But their wide frontage makes them prone to multiple charges.
      The unit that surprised me most is probably the Halfling Knights. They held up the enemy flank far longer than I would have hoped. I definitely need more of these, and the halfling Ranger cavalry too.
      Glad you like the tree bases. It's an old idea I read about in an old White Dwarf, though I'm sure its been around even longer. I built these specifically for the terrain set; I'll post about it soon.

  4. do you plan on doing further battles with these or even smaller vanguard size games?

    1. It's up to Merlin to write a story for the next battle, but i'm sure he will continue the thread. It's nice to have continuing characters, and both Gugrot and Duke Errington have survived, so that gives us scope.
      One of us is less keen on Vanguard than the other, but we might try Thud and Blunder for small skirmishes and carry the results over, just name the characters after ones in our KoW campaign. That said, a small skirmish is not really appropriate for a Duke of the League of Rhordia.
      Small 500 point battles do give a sort of large scale skirmish feel, and we have played with this both for the first battle in this series and last summer for kings of War Historical.

    2. Just Herd (sorry) from Merlin, and apparently eagles might feature n the next game. Might be time to invest in some anti-flyer type units for the League.


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