Monday, 1 April 2019

Kings of War League of Rhordia - Further Reinforcements

At the beginning of March I blogged about my League army and how it needed some remedial work.  I also showed a regiment of crossbows that were part finished and teased about something dog related (but not Dogs of War).
Well I've got a fair bit done throughout March, in and among my other projects.  That's the beauty of the five box system; you can put a project down without feeling you are abandoning it.

Anyway, here's some pictures of the completed League stuff.
Here are those crossbows, finished and based.

The rear troop when deployed as a regiment,

and the front troop.

Those dogs I mentioned.  Halfling knights on warhounds.

The command troop, the command figures are simple conversions of the existing poses.

Rear troop

Some genuine Dogs of War.  That's two regiments (or one horde if placed side by side).

This is what one of the regiments looks like from above.

I have to say I'm pleased with my 15mm progress throughout March.  I've flags to add, but that that's all.  

The crossbows are Essex miniatures.  There are four different poses in the regiment, I have used a different one in each rank.  As is normal for my missile units I haven't added any command figures.
The halfling cavalry are Splintered Light,(I mentioned here about receiving them and the good service provided).  The banner is just a single colour to match the cloaks, I felt it was too fiddly to add any more detail.  The cross design on the shield is supposed to be a crossed knife and fork; they are halflings after all.  I have another troop of these painted with red cloaks, but I'm waiting to finish the final four to make another regiment (the minis had gone missing when I was prepping them).
The pikemen are from a variety of different manufacturers.  I had already painted up a number of the gambeson wearing pikemen years ago for my Empire army.  These were some of the unpainted minis left over, plus some others culled from one of my boxes of old lead.  The minis aren't great for detail, but en masse I think they look fine.  I replaced all the pikes on the minis, which entailed a fair bit of trimming, drilling, straightening wire, cutting and filling points.  
36 times!
It'll be a long while before I do that again, though I do have enough for another couple of regiments.

I've also got a character figure almost finished, and I have rashly started on a new 15mm project, inspired by some old minis I have (more on that later).

So sticking to a structured painting schedule and approaching it methodically has worked really well here.  I'm tempted to say it takes the fun out of it, but actually knowing that I would actually manage to finish a unit I could use on the battlefield gave me a goal to aim for and helped a lot.

I'm due for a game of Kings of War tomorrow against Merlin, and I'll finally get to use my League army.  Of course I'll let you know how it went.  And Merlin, if you're reading this pre battle, don't worry; not all of this will be playing tomorrow.


  1. I really like the halfling cavalry, great looking figures.

    1. Thanks. Do you still like them after meeting them on the field of battle?


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