Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Kings of War Battle - League vs Herd 2

A quick break for lunch and change of scenery from the first battle (AAR here), then on to the main event.

Bas-Ra, the Herd Guardian Champion is encouraging Gugrot and his beastmen Herd to continue their raids which seem to be increasing in intensity and ferocity. The Herd have advanced a larger force led by Bas-Ra himself towards the village of Mardale.
Rapidly mustering whatever forces they can, the League of Rhordia occupy the ground in and around Mardale to block the Herds advance.

Led by Lord Errington and his Halfling commanders, Ogli Starberry and Sergeant Alefast, the League of Rhordia forces deploy their forces and await the rapidly advancing Herd.
Duration: 6 turns, with a 7th turn on a roll of 4+
Set-Up: The Rhordian forces can deploy anywhere in the bottom SW quarter of the table, in and around the village of Mardale.
The Herd can deploy anywhere North of the River Mar or East of the road. The player who won the last game decides who deploys the first unit.
Who goes first: the player who won the last scenario decides who takes the first turn.
Victory: This is a ‘Kill’ scenario, if at the end of the game, one force has killed/routed at least 10% more in points of units then they are deemed the winners. 

We went into the second battle with full stomachs ('Yay', cried the Halflings) and the advantage going to the League.  They had held off the invasion of the Wild long enough to mount a spirited defence at Mardale.

Bas-Ra had heard nothing from Gugrot.  Hopefully the ford had been taken, preventing the League marching to cut his army off at one of their stinking villages.
When his army arrived however, ranks of soldiers greeted them.  Clearly Gugrot had failed.  Bas-Ra would have to do this the hard way.

The League army defends Mardale

Some of the Herd army survey the river

Bas-Ra's more ponderous troops use the bridge to cross the river, the rest wade through the waters.

The Brutox crosses the bridge
In response, the League army dresses its ranks and cautiously advances, so far unable to see the enemy.  Lord Errington prefered to keep any violence outside the village if possible, but he knew if he could draw the Herd out into the open he would have an advantage.

The League defenders adjust their line

and prepare to face the Herd

The Herd centre advances up the hill, while the Centaurs pause at the foot for the hill and loose a volley at the Halfling scouts. Despite being hard to hit, the devastating volley wipes them out before they can even draw a bowstring.

Bas-Ra surveys the enemy

The bulk of the League army held.  With a cry of "Bacon Sarnies for All" the Halfling Archers darkened the sky with arrows, wiping out the Beastherd.  Ogli Starbrow, the halfling Sorcerer moved round until he could see Bas-Ra and blasted him backwards with gusts of wind.  The power of his magic hat (Zephyr Crown) hurt Bas-Ra
(A couple of turns later we realised that the Crown requires a damage roll. Oops.  We reinstated half Bas-Ra's damage at that point)

Again the bulk of the herd advanced, eager to get to grips with the enemy.  The Centaurs, full of their victory over the Scouts, turned their bows on the Halfling Knights.  These fellows were tougher, although a few fell, plenty remained, clutching their spears with determination.
Lord Errington knew it was time.  He had held his forces back, hoping the enemy would advance within charge range.  He regretted the loss of the Scouts (they had an uncanny ability to find him the best game birds he had ever tasted), but now the enemy must pay.
The Household Knights charged into a regiment of Minotaurs while the City Militia bravely tackled the Longhorns.  The Houseguard moved to encircle the Longhorns, but left their flank dangerously exposed to Bas-Ra himself.  Meanwhile, the Halfling Knights moved up close to the Centaurs, taunting them.  The Halfling Archers loosed at the Brutox, the huge beast easily visible above the melee in front, Sergeant Alefast joined in with the bow gifted him by Sir Pontos (Warbow of Kaba).  The monstrous creature bellowed in pain, but wasn't slowed by their puny arrows. Once again Ogli channeled the arcane magic of his hat at Bas-Ra.  The beast howled in pain and frustration as he was moved out of range of the Houseguard.
The Knights did what they do best, bathing the flanks of their steeds in the blood of the Minotaurs; nothing of the creatures survived the devastating charge.  The Militia were less successful, felling some of the Longhorns, but too few to halt them.

The City Militia face the Longhorns

Straining, the Brutox focused the magical energy of the Wild.  With shock the Halfling Archers saw their arrows fall from it's flesh, some of its wounds knitting together.  Looking down it saw the Knights trampling through the bloody remains of it's little brothers; eyes full of anger it charged them.  Following it's lead, the Centaurs charged the Halfling Knights and the Longhorns clashed with the Militia.  Bas-Ras's Totem Bearer took a strange metal sphere from a bag and flung it at Lord Errington.  The metal 'pineapple' bounced off his armour, leaving the Duke looking bemused.  Rage made the Brutox clumsy, it crushed a few knights, but many remained.  The Centaurs slew more Halfling Knights, but they also held.  The City Militia took horrendous casualties, but even so, refused to break under the eye of their Lord, but they wouldn't be fighting immediately either.

At their Lord's urging, the Halfing Knights clashed with the Centaurs and the Household Knights, despite their casualties, rushed the short distance into the Brutox (Wavered, but Counter Charging with Fury).  Lord Errington himself charged into one flank of the Longhorns, whilst his Houseguard took the other.  Seeing their opportunity, the Militia withdrew.  The Halfling Archers wiped out the Totem Bearer with a concentrated volley of arrows, whilst Ogli pushed Bas-Ra into the river where he spluttered and floundered.  (At this point we realised out mistake with the damage and reinstated some of the lost points.  This round of damage was still enough to Waver him though).The Halfling Knights tore through the Centaurs, but miraculously they held (another double 1 Nerve test!).  Their human brethren fared similarly against the Brutox, but Lord Errington and his Houseguard wiped out the Longhorns.

Look, no Longhorns! (and shortly after, no Halfling Knights)

The Brutox again drew on it's magical roots and healed most of it's wounds.  It then waded into the fray once more, and pulled down more of the Knights.  The Centaurs fared even better, finally ridding themselves of the annoying Halfling Knights.

Seeing Bas-Ra unsupported, Lord Errington led his Houseguard against the beast.  The Knights rushed in against the Brutox again, knowing that if they failed to bring it down, they couldn't survive another attack from its fearsome blade.  Sergeant Alefast and the Halfling archers loosed a volley at the Centaurs, who milled around in confusion at their casualties.  Spurred on, the Knights brought the Brutox down finally, and by the river, Bas-Ra was wounded, but fought on.

Full of Fury, Bas-Ra rushed into the Houseguard, to little effect.  The Centaurs turned to face the Knights, but couldn't bring themselves to charge.
In response the Knights charged into the Centaurs, trampling them beneath their hooves.  Bas-Ra barely had time to register this when Lord Errington and his Houseguard cut him down.

Thus the pride of the Wild was lain low, and the expansionist ambition of the League of Rhordia remains unchecked.


  1. great report,did you find that KoW scaled down well?

    1. Thanks. Yes we did. We have done 15mm Kings of War Historicals before, but this was our first time with the fantasy. We have worked out a suitable reduction in measurements, (60%) so the bases and all measurements work fine. We had to make measuring sticks, but that was a small job.


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