Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Kings of War Battle - League vs Herd 1

I'm back from an enjoyable day of Kings of War against Merlin.  My League of Rhordia faced his Herd twice, one small 500 point game to set the story up (and remind ourselves of the rules and get to grips with what were new armies to both of us), and one larger 1000 point battle.
As is traditional with our gaming days, the host comes up with a storyline to run through the games, Merlin decided the Herd were attempting to halt League expansion into lands they considered sacred wilderlands.
This is my briefing for the first game;

The beastly Herd led by the Longhorn Champion, Gugrot have been raiding local farms and small holdings, killing everyone and taking the livestock. The League of Rhordia is now sending patrols out to counter the beastmen. The patrol  led by Sir Pontos comes across a host of beastmen who seem intent on crossing the River Mar at the ford by Froswick Farm. This river marks your border; you cannot allow this to happen? Can you stop Gugrot and his beasts who walk like men.

Duration: 6 turns, with a 7th turn on a roll of 4+
Set-Up: both armies deploy within 12” of a table edge as per normal rules.
Who goes first: both players roll a die, highest score chooses who goes first.

Victory: Whoever has control of the ford at the end of the game is deemed the victor. This player will decide who starts deploying first and who takes the first turn next game. 

Here is my write up of the battle, after all, history is written by the victor.  I've tried to keep it as story like as possible, and mostly avoided using game terms.  Where I felt they were needed I've put them as asides in brackets.
The two armies face off outside Froswick Farm
The stout defenders of the League
and the ferocious attackers from the Wild

Sir Pontos sighed in dismay.  He had pushed his troops through the night, yet even so, the Herd had arrived at Froswick Farm.  Unable to fortify the place he knew he would have to fight in the fields.  The Herd hated taking fortified places, in the open they loved to run and hunt and kill.

Even as his troops were taking stock of the enemy, the Herd moved cautiously forward.
In response the House Guard and militia advanced, the halfling knights swinging wide to try and encircle the enemy.  Their bow armed comrades waited for the Herd to come into range.
The opening moves

The Herd continued their advance, the centaurs loosing arrows at the House Guard, though causing few casualties and the Beastherd turn to face the Halfling Knights
The League right flank continued its advance, the House Guard unable to march through the ploughed field.  Sir Pontos drew back a shaft on the enchanted Warbow and missed, with a chorus of sniffs the halflings at his side showed him how to do it, and a volley of arrows felled a few of the Longhorns.

The Longhorns are starting to take damage, while the Beastherd face the Halfling Knights

who arch on towards the enemy lines

The Herd stepped up to the road, the Centaurs again shooting at the House Guard, but their arrows went wide or bounced off the human's strong armour.  From the Herd's right flank a mass of squealing boars charged the Halfling Knights. Despite their sharp tusks the boars accomplished little.
The Knights and Boars clash

Sir Pontos ordered his right flank to advance as he drew his bow again.  Better luck this time as a Longhorn fell, pierced by his arrow.  Shrugging, the halfling archers felled more Longhorn, but the beasts refused to break (double 1 Nerve test).  As the boars milled around, the halflings urged their wardogs onwards with a shout of "bring home the bacon".  The Beast pack fell to their onslaught and the knights urged their hounds onwards.
Gugrot surveys the battlefield, his Beastherd has gone, he'll have to protect the right flank himself.

Gugrot saw it was time for him to smash his enemy.  He ordered the Centaurs and Longhorns to charge the House Guard and the City Militia.  Trusting to his army, he determined to take on the halfling knights himself.  He slew with joyous rage, stepping back to see the halflings and their dogs milling around in confusion.  Alas the rest of his army fared less well.  The Centaurs were unable to harm any of the House Guard, and the Longhorns were too far away, they ran as fast as possible, but ended up some distance from the City Militia.
The Herd attack

Sir Pontos blanched as he saw the knights in trouble.  There was little he could do from where he was.  Best to concentrate on the forces around him.  The House Guard smashed into the Centaurs, and displaying a precision to be proud of, the Militia smartly pivoted around to smash into the Centaur's flank.  Trusting to their training he once more drew his bow and loosed at the Longhorns, but he was distracted by thoughts of the knight's probable fate and missed.  The Halfling Archers were less happy.  They knew their brothers were doomed and determined to make the Herd pay.  Another volley felled many more Longhorns, but still the beasts refused to break (another double 1 Nerve test).  On the right flank the combined might of House Guard and Militia destroyed the Centaurs, the men then tried to dress ranks to face the remaining enemy (I forgot to pivot the House Guard and Militia, a disastrous error for the Militia it turned out).

With a snarl of rage Gugrot smashed into the Halfling Knights.  This wasn't supposed to be how it happened.  Bas-Ra had told him it would be a great triumph for the Wild, but he could see few of his army left.  The Longhorns, perhaps learning from the Militia, were able to charge their flank, smashing them utterly, then pulling back round to face the pesky archers.  Gugrot pulled down many more Halflings, but the plucky chaps refused to break.
The Longhorns in their moment of triumph, and the House Guard can't even see them!

Sir Pontos ordered the House Guard to turn to face the enemy, that was the trouble with these fancy noble types, sometimes they missed the obvious.  With a nod to the archers they all loosed, and the storm of arrows felled the remaining Longhorns.  The battered Halfling Knights tried to withdraw, no longer having the stomach for fighting.
The Halfing Knights are in a tight spot

Gugrot knew he was doomed, only he remained, but he would take down these pesky half-men and their dogs before he died.  Head down he caught the last of the knights on his horns, then turned to face the rest of the League force.
Gugrot faces the remaining League army

Calmly, Sir Pontos ordered the House Guard to advance towards the Herd leader.  Volleys of arrows injured the creature, yet still it came.  With a final volley of missiles (and another double 1 Nerve test!) Gugrot shook the bloodlust from his eyes.  Seeing his cause was doomed he fled back to the Wild that had birthed him.  The Humans and their halfling allies would have the advantage now; they would be able to get word to their forces at Mardale, and Bas-Ra's army would face prepared defenders, not panicking villagers.

A great fun game.  Victory to the League, but I've a feeling Gugrot will be back.
The second battle was a larger affair, you can read the AAR here.

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