Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Kings of War League of Rhordia, Repairs and Additions

When I did my round up of last year, I mentioned that my League Army , begun in November 2017, had suffered an accident.  I knocked the box from my loft, and the minis were all jumbled and some clearly damaged.  I found it too depressing to investigate further, so they went away into storage.
Last week I was discussing with Merlin what we should play for our annual Easter game and 15mm KoW came up, so I finally plucked up courage to dig them out again and have a look.


Well, there's clearly some work needs doing, but nothing is completely destroyed.  Banners seem to have come off badly, but since I want to redo the heraldry, I suppose I should think of that as an opportunity.  I might also replace the now rather wonky lances on the knights, and some of the spears are the worse for wear paintwise.

That's better!

In the process of sorting stuff out I found a bag of unpainted Essex crossbows which must date back to when I was originally collecting these for Warhammer Fantasy Battle.  I thought they would make an ideal project for while the varnish on the Kingdoms of Men handgunners was drying. I think I have decided that Circle box, which currently contains 15mm Greeks, could stretch a bit to include some 15mm for the League, I might even move the ancients into storage on the grounds that they haven't been touched since I started the box system.

After working through twenty handgunners in 28mm, twenty crossbowmen in 15mm seemed easy.  Again I worked through them doing each pose together.  This time they were stuck to large lollipop sticks, as I did with my Greeks last year.

Ten of the crossbows awaiting varnishing and basing.  I'll do a load at once as I plan on painting some more 15mm over the coming weeks.  They are brighter in real life, the yellow especially is brighter than the 28mm handgunners as I made a couple of changes to my technique.

I have decided that my version of the League of Rhordia will have mostly two colour uniforms (rather like the old Warhammer Empire).  Each of the five cities will have two colour combinations, and will share it's colours with the cities on either side of it.  I will also, where possible, choose slightly different styles of minis for the different cities.  For example, Eowulf, the principal city in the League, has blue and red as its colours.  It is the most advanced technologically and socially, so the minis are mostly late Renaissance.  Another city has red and yellow for its colours (yup, if I ever decide to do this in 28mm, I'll be using my new handguners), then yellow and green.  I painted a troop of halberdiers in yellow and green when I began sorting out my League army; these new crossbows will go with them.  They are less advanced, so I'll draw their minis mostly from Medieval or Early Renaissance ranges.  When I get round to banners, they will feature a five pointed star, possibly inside a pentagon, with each point in the two colours of one of the cities.  Each regiment will have some sort of heraldic symbol in the centre of the star, and I might find a way to emphasise the city's colours as well.

A delve into the unpainted lead pile suggests that some more halflings will be next though, whilst not the Dogs of War regiment, dogs will certainly be involved.


  1. I am intrigued by the 'dogs' and look forward to seeing the whole amy soon.

    1. i hope you will see the League at Easter. Though it won't be the whole army, an army is never finished.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...