Monday, 12 February 2018

League Showoff

Not me boasting about my position in a tournament, I've still to get a second game in this year; rather me showing off my League of Rhordia army as it is so far.

Of course, an army is never finished.  There's always that one more unit to add or that special character to paint, but I'm pretty happy that I should get some good games around 1000 to 1500 points of Kings of War out of this lot.  I can't legally field all this at one time, but it does give me some options.

Whole army shot; 6 regiments, 4 troops, 7 heroes and 2 warmachines.

Spot the finished hedges on the left.

The human heroes, some of whom are still awaiting rebasing.

I am pleased with these, especially next to the terrain I built for them.  The mat is something I picked up a while ago, I think it's meant to go on a greenhouse floor?  I'll add some lighter colour to it to match my bases a bit better (and make it less garish) though annoyingly its a few inches short of a scale 6 foot long.

I would also like to bulk out some of the troops to regiments and regiments to hordes.  In Kings of War the number of regiments you have affects the number of heroes or warmachines (or monsters) you can field.  Hordes unlock even more choices.

I need to come up with some heraldry for the League.  All the minis above were either painted years ago to be a Warhammer Fantasy Battle Empire force or have been recently added with matching paint schemes.  The flags etc are all scaled down versions of the Empire heraldry, and I want to move away from that.  I'll keep that heraldry for my 28mm Kingdoms of Men, but I want these to look different.  My thoughts revolve around the brief bit of information given in Uncharted Empires.  It mentions that there were originally five city states, though two were destroyed by orcs.  Following the foundation of the league, the halfings joined, and the capital is given as Eowolf (a rather Saxon sounding name).  I'm thinking that each city has two associated colours which it's soldiers will wear, and each city will have slightly different styles (explaining my sourcing across quite a bit of Medieval and early Renaissance history).  The overall symbol will be based on a five sided shape, possibly with two sections blacked out, though I need something to fancy this up.  The halflings will have to make do with the traditional symbols of chickens, pies, wine bottles etc.  If you've got any ideas, please comment, I'm happy to copy share best practice.

I've also got plans for a couple of cavalry units as well, to increase the flexibility of the army.  Oh, and maybe a Battleshrine, and more halflings, and, and, and ......

But League aside, I think it's time to move on to another force.  As I have said before, I like to have two opposing forces.  It makes it much easier to show potential players how the game works, and means I can set up a game myself without worrying about opponents having to bring their own army.
The difficult bit is what?  I have enough Ratmen to build a Ratkin force of about 1000 points, including some nice potential for conversions for some of the weirder Ratkin stuff.  
I also like the Varangur.  These were created to give Warriors of Chaos players something to do in Kings of War, though I suspect that if and when Mantic get round to producing their own minis, they will look a bit different.  They are described as a loose coalition of tribes, so I like the idea of sourcing a lot of different types of minis from different manufacturers and historical periods.  I've got some Skythians that would make interesting cavalry (and provide me with the beginnings of a force for Kings of War Historical/Hail Caesar), and a few repurposed 28mm monsters for the more fantastic troops.  I've also got some Goths somewhere which might make infantry with a quick paint job.  Ral Partha/Demonworld do some very nice barbarian types as well for adding to the army.  If you've any suggestions, please comment.

Apart from taking photos, I've been busy with more D&D terrain, finishing off 15mm scenery (only one building to go to finish the Orc's Drift set) and sorting out some 28mm Lord of the Rings orcs.

February is already a busy month hobby wise.


  1. You have been a busy boy, it all looks great though.

    1. Thanks, its taken a while, over a decade in some cases. it's good to have an army though.


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