Monday, 5 February 2018

January Review

So Ick has passed, or January in our world.  How have I done hobby wise?
You will have noticed that I have no longer posted a list of painted, traded, bought etc. This is party because my continual switching between 28mm, 15mm and terrain and modelling projects makes it hard to give a value to any individual work.  The card buildings in particular don't reduce the lead pile at all, so unless I add my recycling bin to the tally, it creates problems.

Instead I'll just sum up what I have got, got rid off and created at the end of each month, along with a summary of odds and ends.

Possibly most importantly, I got a tabletop game in.  The latest in the long running Nexus Psi campaign for Deadzone against T'Otherone.  it was fun, and I'd like to get more in, but now I'm back on two RPG nights a week, it's harder to schedule.

At the beginning of the month I received my kickstarter edition of Dreadball 2.  I loved the original when it came out, but I can see why it warranted a new edition to rebalance the many teams.  This brought with it four new teams plus various extras like the ref and, of course, another Blaine.  One bonus about the new edition is that everything comes as one piece pre coloured plastics, so in theory I can play it right out of the box.

I gave away/traded many 15mm figures to those of my friends who were collecting the relevant armies.  This justifies my getting a few Essex minis (mostly halflings) for my League of Rhordia army.  I also received in a trade some of the old Pendrakken ratmen to go towards my Ratkin army.
I have painted some 15mm Rhordians (human and halfling) to get the army to a useable size with some flexibility.  Now its time to move on to another project.

I have also been building some 15mm terrain.  this has been themed around the old WFB campaign pack, Bloodbath at Orc's Drift. I've been thinking of running this for Dragon Rampant, though I haven't actually put brush to lead yet.  My existing Orcs will do nicely, but they need some reinforcements, especially if they do well in the preliminary battles and loads turn up at Orc's Drift.  The terrain project has inevitably expanded to creating a full set of 15mm terrain.  I no longer have any from back when I used to play WFB in that scale.  I've got some hedges on the go, and am awaiting some plastic trees from China.  I'll cut out some hills soon and I suppose some river sections will be needed.  Previously I used felt sections with extra texture and paint.  Should I do the same or look at the popular 3D banks system that many people make/use?

I've also experimented with a new system of dungeon floor plans.  Whilst this is still in an experimental stage, it does have promise.  I must make a few more walls, including ones that aren't anchored under the tiles for smaller rooms, and some more extras like doors.

I've also got a lot more blog posts done in January.  Some of these have been pretty popular, particularly when I've flagged them on Facebook.  It's always nice to receive recognition from fellow gamers and crafters.  (More comments and followers would be great too).

In summary, I've still a lot to do, but I'm generally positive about the progress I'm making.  I'm still getting involved in too many projects at once, I'm not sure how to fix that, as forcing myself to work on something means I tend to resent it.  This is supposed to be a hobby after all.  On the other hand, there is a lot of satisfaction is looking at a completed project and knowing its finished and doesn't need anything else doing to it (well, maybe one more unit.....)


  1. Too many projects at once! surely not???

    1. I can stop any time I want to.
      Perhaps i shouldn't mention my new project, Lichemaster Rampant.


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