Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Various Vanguard Minis

I'm finding it difficult to settle on one project at the moment, can you tell?  At least I am tending to finish minis or units and the five box system is helping keep me on track.  Or on five tracks rather.

Anyway, I've been doing Vanguard things recently as well.  I suppose I could think of my handgunners as potential recruits for a Kingdoms of Men Vanguard force, but I have others on the go as well.  Way back when the game was beta tested I collected three of the four sample warbands.  I finished my goblins ages ago, and have been adding some of the KoW goblin metal heros to it; they are are part way through base coating now.
I also put together undead and dwarves, though until recently I hadn't got much beyond the basecoat stage of those.  A few weeks ago I dug out the dwarves to show a friend how to play, and more recently T'Other One (he of the awesome undead) came round and I ran him through a small game.
I have found that for a first game its easier to go for half size warbands.  There's a lot less going on, so the new concepts, such as Fatigue and Forced Fatigue seem more straight-forward.

As I suspected, T'Other One prefered to use undead, but alas, didn't have any ready singly based.  So I got a quick job done to get the undead sample warband table ready.

The game itself was fun, though the undead fared badly (partly due to me erroneously advising T'other One on the best tactics for undead.  Oops, sorry).  I suspect I'll see some of his undead shambling towards me in the near future.
I liked using the dwarves.  As a player who usually chooses orcs, goblins etc, it was nice to have troops that can take a bit of punishment.  While the dwarves took a lot of wounds between them, none of them fell.

I have since put some more work in on some of the Undead, and the dwarves need a bit of extra work too (I'm particularly unhappy with the yellow).  Here are the finished Undead, just a few more to go now, and I need to decide on what to use as a second necromancer for a full sized warband.

Skeletons and Revenants.  All Mantic models, and, I think, really nice.  
I need a shield design for the Revenants at least.  I'm tempted by a red rose in answer to T'Other One's white rose undead, but I can't quite bring myself to do that.

Wraith and Zombies.  Again mantic models.
Actually, this isn't the wraith we used in the above game.  I'll explain more about that in another post.  

Once again I look at my scenery and think it could do with improvement.  I have had some thoughts in that direction (as soon as a box becomes free) so I should be scenery building (and consolidating what I already have) in the near future.

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