Saturday, 2 March 2019

Kingdoms of Men Reinforcements - Part four, Washing

Last time the Handgunners had been highlighted and I decided to test one of them with Army Painter Strongtone wash.  Well the test model came out OK; not as bright as I would have liked, especially on the yellows, but the red looked good.

Washed mini on the left

Rear view of the same two minis

I had to decide if I should go ahead with the wash or try some other method of shading (perhaps a more targeted wash?) or even accept them as they were.  Remember, the idea is to get a regiment on the table quickly and for them to look good from a short distance; not produce a finely detailed mini such as I might do for RPG characters.
I the end I thought the wash improved enough of the model, especially the flesh and the red clothing, to go ahead.

The full regiment of twenty

Once the wash is fully dry I might add a few little touches (or not), then it's on to varnishing.  Given the current unseasonally warm weather, the drying shouldn't take too long.

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