Friday, 27 December 2019

KINGS OF WAR - 15mm Ogres - More Reinforcements

I've painted two lots of reinforcements for the ogres since my last update.  If you've been reading the battle reports you'll have seen them in action, but here are some close ups.

Firstly, two more regiments of ogre warriors.  I have included two models from the first set of Caesar orcs and added shields made from greenstuff  and a press mould taken from the shield designs in the second set.  You can probably tell which is which, but I think they all fit together.

A second regiment of warriors

A regiment of ogre shooters.  The crossbows are simply 28mm crossbows from various sources stuck to matchsticks to give a sturdier stock

A regiment of Red Goblins, Ral Partha Demonworld like the last lot, and very nice models too.

Warlock converting the same model as the previous one.
Hood and cloak extension added with greenstuff

The two Warlocks side by side

Finally a group photo of the ogre army so far.

I think these work really well as 15mm ogres.  I have plans for a bit more expansion, I'm aiming to be able to field 2000 points with some variations.  Although I like the Shooters above, next time I do some I have a different idea (I'll show you when I get some done).  I've also been experimenting with Boomers.  Now that the list has expanded the choice for Red Goblins I might get some more, probably Rabble as they are really cheap, and that's one thing the ogres themselves lack, cheap chaff units.


  1. My favourite army of yours, and the green stuff hood on the warlock is very well done.

    1. Thanks. It's probably my favorite army too, in this scale at least.
      The hood etc was simply a way of differentiating the warlocks on the battlefield and knowing who had which item


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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