Thursday, 23 April 2020

10mm Lord of the Rings Orc Tests

If you read my earlier post, you'll know that Merlin and I are working out a 10mm variant of Games Workshop's War of the Ring game. Of course, to play this we need minis, probably more than a few. I've picked a few up on eBay to do some practice on, and I'm happy with my Gondorians (here). Now I've started work on the 10mm orcs I already possess.

If you know the Copplestone Castings range you know they mostly come in strips of 5s. I've done some separating to enable me to keep to the eight infantry to a base used in War of the Ring. It doesn't really matter, we won't be removing individual minis to mark casualties, but more importantly, every four purchased companies get me a free one.

As you may know, I like my orcs to have a mix of skin tones (check out my Dragon Rampant orcs here). Tolkien describes orc flesh as, variously, sallow or swarthy. Some even as black. So this company is a test to see what colours work.

So I remember what I was doing here, there are four different skin colours and two different washes (Army Painter Soft Tone and Strong Tone).
The skin tones are Vallejo Game Colour Heavy Charcoal highlighted with VGC Cold Grey, VGC Heavy Grey highlighted with VGC Rotting Flesh, VGC Cold Grey highlighted with VGC Stonewall Grey and VGC Desert Yellow highlighted with VGC Moon Yellow.
Metals were VGC Gunmetal Metal, washed with black and tunics were the undercoat, Vallejo German Green Brown Surface Primer, highlighted with VGC Khaki.
My Gondorians use Desert Yellow as the base coat for wooden items, so I went with the darker VGC Leather Brown.

I'm pretty pleased with the results, and a quick ask for feedback on the Wargamming in Middle Earth FB group was positive. I still want to try some more tans and browns though, so I may well do a second test company.  I'll also not try to have quite so much variation in one company, its not United Colors of Mordor. As for the was, I might go half and half, as neither quite do what I want.

1 comment:

  1. Now build an army worthy of Yorkshire.


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