Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Orcs Done!

At last, I have (nearly) finished* my Dragon Rampant orcs.  They are done enough for me to have a test game of the rules anyway, more on that later.  First, here's the gang.

The whole orc force.  24 points worth in Dragon Rampant terms.
Back (L to R); Light Foot, Offensive Heavy Foot (leader), Scouts, Heavy Riders.
Front (L to R); Scouts, Bellicose Foot, Light Foot.

Some of the Bellicose Foot, Magister Militum orcs of various kinds.

The Heavy Riders, more Magister Militum.

Some of the Light Foot, various manufacturers.

Goblin scouts, Magister Militum again

I enjoyed putting this lot together.  The project started as a way to build a force for a new rule set will little outlay, as I already had quite a bit of 15mm from earlier projects.  Inevitably I ended up 'having' to add to it, but I think the newer miniatures do look good.

I have deliberately gone for a 'rag tag' look, with different manufacturers and different skin tones.  I think I prefer the pale grey and olive or tan skins over the traditional GW green orcs.

When I got round to finishing them off I realised I could have saved a step by using dip rather than shading with sepia, then gloss varnish, then matt anti-shine.  Next time I will do this, and there will be a next time.  I have a better Leader unit ready to paint, and some ballistae that will make lovely Heavy Missiles that just need crew and basing.  Then in my unpainted pile I have enough orcs for another couple of units at least.

I have also been looking through my old ratmen (as seen playing Warband) and with a bit of rebasing I think I could have another force up and ready very soon.

*In as much as a wargames army is ever finished.

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