Just so you all know I'm still here.
It's been a busy few weeks, with a lovely relaxing holiday at Easter as well. I have been plodding on with my various projects, and I have (more or less) managed to keep to the themed month idea.
So, February was Terrain month, well March kind of went that way as well. I built a lot of card terrain for the current D&D adventure, which is based around an ocean voyage, so I built a ship (or three).
I also printed off some card minis for the adventure, and even played around with a bit of altering them to make a pirate crew!
I'll get pics up as and when, I'm sure you'd all like to see them.
The most recent project is to finish off (hurrah) the 15mm orcs I painted up for Dragon Rampant. They kind of got put to one side when the game I had planned over Christmas got postponed. Well it looks like I will get to play next week, so all on to get them finished (I guess I work to deadlines?). All that needs doing is the bases texturing, then they are all set to play. The only problem is I probably won't get to play Dragon Rampant again until the summer, so the orcs risk being put away again; therefore I must finish them this time. I also have a 15mm medieval human force ready to paint which would give me an opposing force, always a good idea to introduce new players. Maybe I should paint them next?
One thing I will be doing over the next few weeks is planning and preparing to run 'A Time To Harvest'.
This is the first of Chaosium's Organised Play Call of Cthulhu adventures and is timed to showcase the release of 7th edition Call of Cthulhu. I will be running this at my FLGS* so I want to make sure it goes well, and I am looking to see what I can add in the way of extra props etc.
*Friendly local Games Store; in my case IQ Gaming Centre in Huddersfield.
Documenting my hobby; painting modelling and playing fantasy roleplaying and tabletop games.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
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Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice
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