Wednesday, 27 April 2016

More Zombies

More progress on yesterday's zombies.  I got them all quickshaded, and I liked them so much I found another five to go with them.

The quickshade certainly adds definition.  This is fine for the run of the mill monsters like zombies, but I like to do a bit more on character figures, heros and special monsters.

Here are three of the original Bones zombies.  They are less detailed, but will pad out the encounter well.

This is an old Mage Knight or similar figure, a flesh eating zombie.  The original paint job was not to my liking - bright green flesh and scarlet blood all over the place.  A quick repaint and a dip will have him looking just the part.

I have also been working on some Bones skeletons while waiting for the quickshade to dry.  The three skeletons form the original Bones, plus some armoured skeletons (wights?).  These will accompany the nine I painted a while back (here), all adding up to some nice Undead action.


  1. Blimey! Looks like we'll be up against it in the next game of D&D... :)

  2. Not necessarily all for next session lol, but you know how it is with zombies and pringles; you just can't stop.
    Actually the idea is to have a good base of monsters for many different games, Frostgrave, D&D, Dungeon Saga etc, and some of these would look great for trying out the Walking Dead.

  3. I like the zombies, not too sure about undead pringles though!

    1. Those are the ones in the glowing green tube with the smoke.


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