Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Odds And Ends April

Looking back on April I suppose the closest to a theme is 'odds and ends'.  I have completed several projects, and dabbled with a few more.
The Dragon Rampant orcs are done for now.  I will certainly revisit them and add another unit or two, but they are a playable force, which is all that matters for now.
I have completed some terrain projects for my D&D campaign, mostly Heroic Maps 2.5D stuff. The players seem to really appreciate these, and they will come in again for a future adventure in the campaign.
Last night's session saw them facing off against (amongst other nasties) several zombies.  I seem to have misplaced all my D&D pre-paints, so I grabbed the five Bones zombies from Bones 2, unpainted, but they did the job.
After an evening of 'white walker' remarks I decided to get some paint on them as soon as possible.  I also wanted to try out Sorastro's zombie painting guide.  When The Walking Dead kickstarter gets here I will have a lot of undead to paint.  He uses a similar method to mine, but I'm always open to trying stuff, you never know what you might learn.
Anyway, here's the base coats done;

Three of the Bones 2 zombies.  VGC Dead Flesh and Glacier Blue for skin tones.

VGC Earth, Heavy Grey, Sombre Grey and Stonewall Grey for the clothing.

More VGC Dead Flesh skin tones.

The (rather modern) dress is Magic Blue.  I'm sure she will look great in a game of The Walking Dead.

The base coats are a bit rough, but these are only zombies after all, and the next stage will cover up many mistakes.
Next stage is the quickshade, hopefully later today.

A quick note on the figures, I like the poses, and when looking at them and deciding what colours to use I thought they could do nicely as modern zombies, in fact in some ways they look better if painted in suits etc.  However, by choosing a general colour scheme I think they will do for both fantasy and modern.  I am also testing the Bonesium claim that primer is not necessary.  In this case it wasn't, but the paint is fairly thick, more so than I would like.  Watered down paint just doesn't stick to the plastic, but once a base coat is on it should be OK.  All the paints are Vallejo as I realised my Citadel paints are running out and I want to break my GW dependency.

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