Wednesday, 1 April 2020

15mm Kings of War Ogre Army Standard

I've just finished an Army Standard for my ogres. I've actually had him painted for some time, but I didn't like the actual banner. The original banner was quite small, and hung perpendicular to the pole, despite the pole being held at an angle. It just looked wrong.

I've finally got round to replacing the top of the pole with a new one made of copper wire and a banner made from wine bottle foil.

I wanted a design that suggested a successful and fairly cultured mercenary company rather than a rag tag bunch of savages. After sketching several designs I decided on an axe, since many of the warriors carry them, on a red field, echoing their skin colour, with gold coins around the axe. I added some battle honours as well.

The new banner hanging properly.

I'm getting very close to finishing the ogres for the time being. I've still got some heroes to finish the basing on, and I've another horde and a regiment nearly done too.

Once I've got the ogres done I have another small scale project planned, more about that another time.


  1. Nice, I wonder where your ogres gained their battle honours?

    1. Thanks. I kept putting this off as I wasn't sure I could do it justice. In the end it was really fun to do.
      I think the honours were gained against goblins


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