Friday, 3 April 2020

15mm Kings of War Ogres, yet more progress

I've been working away steadily on this army and I've another two heroes, a horde and a regiment to show.

Firstly the heroes.

A Sergeant, very useful for Inspiring, and no slouch in melee either. I tend to use a sergeant to lead in small battles, but until now I've had to field the Warlord mini.

He is from the second set of Caesar 20mm Orcs, and is meant to be a character as there are only two in the set. I added a greenstuff shield made using a press mold as I did for the second horde of Warriors here.

Now a Boomer Sergeant. I was experimenting with how to do Boomers, so a single mini seemed a good idea. The original mini was an archer from the second set, the same mini I used here as a Sergeant with Heavy Crossbow. After removing the bow and arrow I used the rifle from a Mantic dwarf Ironwatch. Looking at it I felt it didn't look like something that would dish out 4 attacks, so I dug out some old GW Empire Militia sprues and cut the end off the blunderbuss, swapping it for the end of the rifle. Now I think it looks the part.

His companion Red Goblin Powder Monkey was originally a Ral Partha Demonworld goblin archer. The bow was removed and the hand drilled to take a length of wire to act as a ramrod. The right arm was nicely posed to rest on a wooden barrel (an 'N gauge' model railway piece from Knightwing) and the quiver was trimmed and covered in greenstuff to make a bag. I'm very pleased with this piece, though I note from the photo that I need to dot in the goblin's eyes and teeth.

And here are some more units for them to lead

More Berserker Braves, mostly because I have loads of the minis and my regular opponent, Merlin, really enjoys watching them chew through his goblins (usually).

The second regiment of Berserker Braves.

A regiment of Boomers.

As I mentioned, I've been looking at ways to model these. The base minis are the two archers from the first set of orcs, just as I used for the Shooters here. Again I used the militia blunderbuss, but this time I used the whole thing, carefully carving off the hands holding it. The bare-chested mini is reaching back to draw an arrow from a quiver. I cut the feathers off so it could be a ramrod and altered the quiver shape with greenstuff so it became an ammo bag.

Here's the Ogre army neatly packed away in a Really Useful Box. There's getting on for 3000 points there, depending on artefacts and spells etc, and I think it's actually a legal army.

I'm putting them to one side now. I'll return to them soon, I'm sure (I have some more Red Goblins on the way, taking advantage of the Ral Partha sale), but I want an empty box for a new project. More on that when I've got something to show.


  1. Excellent army, the new additions look great.

    1. Thanks. I'll do a whole army blog post soon


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