Monday, 6 April 2020

More Star Saga Minions

Here are the last of the Star Saga Minions.

Corporation Rangers

I used effectively the same scheme and technique as the Marines, but I added some camouflage to the fabric of the trousers and the hard armour. I'm not convinced it's worked that well, but it does differentiate them from the ordinary Marines.
For the fuel tank on the back of one of them I applied a glaze over the base colours which, I think, gives a nice effect, though it doesn't show up very well on the photo.

Plague Victims

My Deadzone minis are currently unavailable, so I painted these up without reference to the Plague faction I painted a while ago (I since remembered I had pictures here on the blog, d'oh). The flesh was a base coat of Vallejo Game Colour Rotting Flesh with highlights made by mixing VGC Livery Green to Rotting Flesh. I felt it lacked depth so gave it a wash of very watered down VGC Heavy Khaki, then reset the highlights. The bony plates were VGC Khaki (the ordinary khaki this time), highlighted with VGC Bonewhite then Off White. The trousers were a simple base colour and highlight with a wash of Army Painter Strong Tone. The whole mini was then washed with Army Painter Soft Tone
I'm very happy with the results, but they don't really match my Stage 3s. It doesn't really matter of course.
One of each pose has orange trousers (prisoners from Perestia?) While the others have green. The crouching victim has some sort of display pad on his belt. It's just like the one that one of the Lab Technicians has. I was initially tempted to paint this model as an infected technician, but in the end I went with matching the other model, but there is a flat line output on the display.

I've realised that I haven't actually shown the Corporation Marines before, so here they are.

They were painted with a black undercoat, then the hard 'shell' armour was drybrushed with Vallejo Game Colour Charcoal, then lighter drybrushes adding VGC Sombre Grey. The webbing and pouches were given a black wash.
The fabric was basecoated VGC Gory Red and highlighted Bloody Red.


  1. Your Corporation Marine colour scheme was a good choice, very effective.

    1. Thanks, I can't really claim any credit for it, it's based on the painted examples in the mission book.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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