Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Star Saga Bosses

I've finished all the Star Saga minis, just the furniture and doors to complete.
So far I've shown two of the bosses, but I thought I'd do a post with all five of them.

First, a group photo of all five bosses.

Guard Commander Graves, Data Storage Unit X-02-A, Dr Lucas Koyner, Plague Aberration and Monarch

Monarch the Enforcer

Monarch is a lovely model and one I really enjoyed painting. Over a black undercoat I did a heavy drybrush of Vallejo Game Colour Sombre Grey, then a highlight lightening the grey with Wolf Grey. The final highlight was applied to the edges of the armour plates. Selected plates were then washed with blue wash, though the effect doesn't show very well on the photos. I could easily go back to this model to bring out more details, but it will do for now.

Dr. Koyner

Koyner was essentially painted like the Lab Technicians, since I didn't cover the process when I posted them here, this is the process. Over a white under coat, the Lab suit was painted VGC Wolf Grey. White (VGC Dead White) was used to give heavy highlights then a wash of VGC Pale Grey Wash. The yellow patches were VGC Heavy Gold Brown highlighted with VGC Gold Yellow. Rather like the Chovar here, I struggled to know how to paint the various cables and stuff for his extra cybernetic arms. The end result of various greys and metals doesn't look great, but again, it'll do.

And finally the Plague Aberration

This model was originally made for Deadzone, and I've faced T'OtherOne's Abomination on more than one occasion. Nasty. 
In Star Saga it's presence is tied nicely into the story. I believe the model was added as a stretch goal, with a mission written to include it.

I painted it so it was obviously connected to the Plague Victims here. The bony growths were done essentially the same, but the flesh was given a base coat of VGC Heavy Grey (which has quite a greenish shade to it) followed by a drybrush of a mix of the basecoat and VGC Rotting Flesh, then pure Rotting Flesh, then a final highlight mixing in some VGC Livery Green.
The whole model was given a wash of Army Painter Soft Tone. Extreme highlights were retouched once the wash was dry.
I then added patches of Strong Tone wash and Red wash to give a more bruised flesh look, though not as heavily as I might have done.
I'm pleased with the end result, but I suspect it will look quite different to my Plague Deadzone faction.

That's a set of minis I'm pleased with. I enjoyed painting some of them much more than others, but now I can play the Eiras Contract with fully painted minis. Well, I've still to finish the furniture and the doors, and there are the laser guns and shield generators still to do. The shields are fiddly and easily lost, so I may well base them somehow.

Of course, I haven't started any of the extra Mercenaries. Or anything from the supplements...


  1. Nice work on those.

  2. Thanks. They were mostly great fun to do and will be used in Deadzone as well as for Star Saga

  3. Wow, that Aberration in particular looks superb! Nice work.

    1. Thanks. It's an amazing model to paint, and I'll look forward to using it in other games too.


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