Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Kings of War, Orcs vs Forces of the Abyss

Earlier this year I got a couple of short games in against Andy. He used his Forces of the Abyss and I used my Orcs. It's been quite some time since the actual games, so I'll not try and give a full commentary.

We first played a 500 point game, it was Andy's first go at the new edition, so we started small. He quickly got the hang of things and demonstrated a good working knowledge of his forces. In short order he cleared the table of my orcs.

Andy's nicely painted and based Gargoyles.

Abyssal Harbinger, Flamebearers and Succubi

Tortured Souls.

My orcs. Gore Riders, Greatax, Krusher and Ax.

It starts off well for the orcs as the infantry advance while the riders attempt to swing round the flank

But good use of the Flamebearers, and sacrificing the Tortured Souls (surely that's what they are for) to slow down the Gore Riders, helps the Abyssals to eventual victory.

The battlefield at the end of the game.

Next we played a 1000 point game. Time for revenge I thought (mistakenly).

Andy brought more stuff, including these Hellhounds,


and some Molochs

My orcs did better, and if we'd played the new rules for characters right (Yielding misunderstandings), I might have scraped a draw, although not a win. But still, the Forces of the Abyss triumphed again.

Two very good fun games. Andy's Abyssals are looking good, or should that be evil? He is still working on them, but the gargoyles (nasty annoying pests) show what the whole army will look like once he has finished basing and painting.

1 comment:

  1. I have always liked the look of your orcs and Andy's Abyss guys look great too. I would have to read the rules for Yielding again before we play again.


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