Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Kings of War - 15mm Ogres Reinforcements

You've seen my first lot of 15mm Ogres here.  I've now painted enough to field  a legal 500 point force (and then some).  You can see them in their first battle here.

So what's new?  A horde (or two regiments) of Warriors, this time with two handed weapons rather than shields.

One ogre in each regiment is from the older set of Caesar Orcs, can you tell which?

A horde (or two regiments) of Ogre Braves.  These are all from the first set of Orcs.

As well as the ogres, I've been painting some more red goblins.  Some of these are for base decoration for the ogres, but I also got a regiment (or two troops) of Fleabag Riders done.  These are Ral Partha Demonworld again. 
I like the giant fleas, a great touch, and well within the rulebook description of the unit.  I can see them being the source of many bad puns along the 'hop to it' and 'coming up to scratch' variety, apologies in advance. 

The riders are one pose plus a leader, which I have kept as a Biggit on fleabag.

If I get another set I'll do a little converting so that they have a couple of standards, and the newer troops will go in front of these troops to make more obvious command troops.  But that's a while in the future I think.

Next up for the ogres I have some heroes to finish, including an Army Standard that needs a new standard, and at least one more regiment of Red Goblins.  I have also been looking at how to represent the two ogre missile units, I have a few ideas, but nothing I'm quite happy with yet.
Of course I will probably get distracted by a different army soon, so its a good job that 15mm units take relatively little time to finish.


  1. Very impressive looking ogres. Possibly my favourite army that you have created because it was such a novel idea.

    1. Thanks, its probably teh army I've had teh most fun doing in recent years. I like the challenge of finding the right minis for the job, and this has been an interesting challenge (and it's great to reuse minis from an earlier project too)


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