Wednesday, 30 October 2019

League of Infamy Kickstarter

Mantic have launched their latest kickstarter to fund a new board game, League of Infamy.
This is a similar game to Dungeon Saga, but with villains infiltrating (in the base game) an elven stronghold to stop a Dracon breeding project.

I played a test game of this at a previous Open Day, and had a great time; being villains, the characters are out for their own reputations as much as the mission goals.

As always, there look to be some stunning minis in the game, and the two expansions currently mentioned feature some of Mantica's (or Pannithor's) less well represented creatures; halflings and some of the Trident Realm creatures for which we currently have no minis.  I'm sure we will eventually see some of these appearing in Vanguard sets, just as Star Saga minis have been packaged for Deadzone.

Here's the campaign page if you want to check it out.


  1. I have no real interest in the game, but some of those figures look great, do you know what sort of material they are-soft plastic?

    1. They say the same sort of plastic as used in Hellboy, but since i didn't back that I can't say what that is like.
      However, the quality of their plastics has improved from Dungeon Saga. If this matches Walking Dead quality (which it should), I will be well pleased.


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