Thursday, 8 August 2024

RPGaDAY: Day Nine: Accessory you'd like to see

Day Nine: An Accessory you'd like to see

Hmm, tricky.

But as a GM I appreciate anything that makes my job easier. This could be good NPC templates, micro systems that actually help rather than just adding extra complexity - The Angry GM's Dice Pool system is a great idea that I use regularly).  But one real issue is actually hauling all the books, minis, mats, terrain, pencils, dice, spare pencils, spare dice and everything else required to the venue.

So I'd like a storage and transport system that is exactly tailored to what I need for a session. Everything all in one container, preferable lightweight. 

If it also acts as storage at home, that would be even better.

If Time Lords play RPGs (I'm sure they do) I'll have whatever they use (or failing that, a TARDIS).  

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