Thursday, 29 August 2024

RPGaDAY 2024: Day 30: Person you'd like to game with

Day 30: person you'd like to game with 

My first thought was Justin Alexander, simply because I think I'd learn a lot from him. But he's all the way over the Atlantic.

My second thought was Ben Aaronovitch. It'd be great to see him run Rivers of London. But I suspect I'd just want to discuss his work.

But more sensibly, and much more enjoyably, I'd like to actually be able to game face to face with my current online group. 

So much of the RPG experience is lost online and I've heard it described thus, "online games are where pacing goes to die".
So yes, especially if I stick to the advice on Day 24, my online group are the people I'd like to game with. Properly, face to face.


  1. folks i would have loved to game with would have been in my early 40k days would have loved to play against Andy Chambers or Jervis Johnson.
    as far as a rpg...i would want to be in the company of Mark Meer. to me i feel he's one of the best DM's, next to Chris Perkins.

    1. Well I've never wargamed with either of those, I did see some of the terrain and minis from the early days at BOYL though.
      I've roleplayed with some of the early GW staff though, they were members of our local club (the KMMGS) before they joined GW.


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