Friday, 2 August 2024

RPGaDAY2024: Day Three: Most Often Played

Most often played RPG. 

Again, this one's easy, and again it's D&D5E, valid for 2024 and for my whole time gaming.

If I look back over close to fifty years of roleplaying, I've always come back to D&D in one form or another. 
I played every edition, albeit not much of second, and enjoyed them all. Fourth edition did get a bit tedious towards the end, though it was, so far, the longest continuous campaign I've ever run (check out 'All Good Things, the campaign finishes, introduction', if you want to read more).

I have played a good number of other RPGs in my time, including Fantasy, SF,  Horror and Superhero, but as I get older, time gets more precious, and the cognitive load involved with new games becomes greater. I'm less willing now to try something completely new. 

We seem to be in a time of more and more RPG options. New rules are published increasingly often, and then there are the new supplements for existing games. Much as I've commented previously regarding Wargames rules, if I'm going to invest time, money and brain power (all three now diminishing resources) in something new, then it's got to be worth my while, and it's got to be interesting enough to get the rest of the group onboard. And if it turns out to be a game that we play a bit, but then move on and never return to it, I'd rather have stuck with one of the staples.

D&D gives me a reliable play experience. I've constantly moved up editions, not because they are necessarily better, but because they are popular. I'm more likely to find another group of D&D players than any other system, and they are most likely to be playing the latest edition. 
I'll admit to a certain trepidation regarding the new edition though, and I wonder if it might be time to climb off the train and stick with fifth edition, or D&D14 or whatever they are calling it this week.

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