Thursday, 1 August 2024

RPGaDay2024: Day Two: Most Recently Played

Day Two: Most Recently Played RPG 

This one's easy. D&D5E.

I ran another online session yesterday evening in our campaign.
This started with my son and a uni friend watching the D&D movie. His friend mentioned that he'd like to try the game if he could find a group. My then campaign had recently fallen apart due to scheduling problems, so I was happy to organise something.
But if I was starting one new player off, how about two?
My daughter also had a friend who was RPG curious, so now I had two people who had played before and two newcomers. To get the party up to five I recalled one of MEGAforce asking if I had any slots available, and so I began.
Because I'm a contrary grognard I decided to use the setting from the previous edition, Nentir Vale.
After a session zero and character creation, the new adventurers explored the ruined Tower of Waiting in Fallcrest, looking for a group of kids who had gone missing. They found the kids and discovered signs of some sort of nefarious goings on.
They then set off on a courier mission to Winter haven, stopping off on the way to investigate a ruined manor. They also found a paladin of Bahamut.
My son-in-law tried D&D for the first time at Christmas, and enjoyed it enough to want to join in the campaign, the paladin was his character.
The heroes are now investigating the ruins of Guardmore Abbey in a very heavily rewritten adventure based on the published boxed set (it may have been fine for fourth edition, with it's linear series of encounters, but, as written, it's very far from the kind of adventure I like to run).

So yes, D&D. I'm really enjoying running the game, my only regret is that it's online, not face to face. With players spread across the country, that's not possible, though I would like to put on a session in meatspace for them all one day.

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