Saturday, 17 August 2024

RPGaDAY 2024: Day 18: Memorable Moment of Play

Day 18: Memorable Moment of Play

Is it cheating to say that there are so many that I couldn't possibly choose?
Ok then. 

Well back in the ten year 4E campaign, when the characters had just reached Paragon tier, they investigated a mysterious valley of snow and ice. 
They ended up slaying the Frost Queen, along with one of her acolytes, who they knew to be a lass from a village back on Karameikos.

One player in particular found this difficult, and suggested that there should be some consequence*. The party were arrested and charged. If you know anything about Karameikos you can imagine their dismay on seeing that the initial judge was Baron von Hendricks, the Grand Duke's uncle. They deserved such elevated attention as they had recently been ennobled. One reward was exemption from taxes for a year.
Anyway, at the trial the halfling rogue from the neighbouring Five Shires was finding it all too much (guilty conscience?) He shouted out that she was a monster, she shouldn't be protected by the law, she wasn't a citizen, she wasn't even a tax payer!
A marvellous example of a player really invested in his character and showing real anger and frustration at the way the game world was treating him. It was a lovely touch of irony when the Baron replied "technically, neither are you".

If you want to know how it ended, the Duke's son took over the trial but they were still found guilty.  Due to extenuating circumstances, they had to perform a task as punishment. Cue the Baron rubbing his hands and exclaiming "I have a dragon that I need getting rid of ". 

Interestingly, if the players had simply been given a dragon slaying quest, they'd have happily gone ahead, but it would have meant a lot less to them. Setting it as a punishment meant that they really felt the consequences of their earlier actions.
I don't force characters to do specific things, I believe strongly in their choices mattering, this was a result of an earlier choice, and felt natural.

If you're wondering, they did get the dragon, eventually. They did lose Ozzie the wizard (again) and as the dragon flew off with the body, they had to hunt it down. But they triumphed, restored the wizard, and were able to humiliate the Baron into the bargain.

*The character was dead at the time (where else but an RPG would that statement make sense?) and was unable to intervene to save her.

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