Tuesday, 6 August 2024

BOYL Acquisitions

I didn't come away from BOYL 24 empty handed. I've already shared the pictures I took, so now I'll show you what I got.

Shortly after arriving, while chatting, drinking coffee and planning where to look first, a chap wandered by with a tray of minis. He put it down and invited us to help ourselves, then wandered off. 
If this was you, thank you very much.

I was restrained, taking a couple of goblin fanatics missing their ball-and-chains, and a squat with heavy bolter. My plan was to use the weapon with the Crimson Fists that I started painting back in. Now I look at him, it's a shame to pull him apart.
The rest of our group took a few more items, but we left plenty for others.

Next acquisition was the BOYL 24 special character. This is a lovely bit of work, sculpted, I was told, by Gary Morley.
The mini is a tribute to Brian Ansell, who passed away recently. The emblem on the top of the staff is a representation of the old Citadel Miniatures logo. I shall enjoy painting him, and I'll probably call him Lord of the Citadel.

BOYL is held on Wargames Foundry's premises, so quite rightly, the only retailer there is Foundry themselves.
Nevertheless, a few people were handing out free samples, and I got these intriguing resin minis from Curtis of Ramshackle Games. He was also responsible for the impressive Helsreach game, and managed to explain what was going on.

And finally, it would have been rude not to get something from the Foundry shop. I've been thinking about getting something to use as the Linden Way militia and these Lowly Foot look just right.

A couple of packs gives me sixteen, which is a bit short for Linden Way, but there's a pack of ex Citadel mercenaries that will do very nicely to bring them up to twenty, plus there's a great mini for Mayor Leofwine. 
Unfortunately they were out of stock, but I'll look out for them at shows or next time I'm down that way.
Molly also took advantage of the shop, stocking up on Foundry paint triads and quite a bit from the Darkest Africa range. 

As I said before, BOYL 24 was a great fun experience. Although we were new to the show, everyone was friendly and helpful.  I wish I'd known who a few more of the people there were, as I've probably read their blogs, but even as a mere moocher, we were made very welcome.

I'm looking forward to the opportunity to visit again in future years.


  1. Some nice 'loot' there. I really like the special character.

    1. Yes, he's excellent. I shall look forward to painting him.


Rangers of Shadow Deep - More Heroes

I Can Stop Anytime I Like I find kit bashing minis for games such as Rangers of Shadow Deep almost compulsive. I sit surrounded by sprues an...