Monday, 26 August 2024

RPGaDAY 2024: Day 26: Superb Screen

Day 26: Superb Screen 

I'm not a fan of these fancy architectural screens. They may look great, I've seen castles, towers and dragons, and they may have features like dice towers and shelves for minis, but I've carted around enough stuff for running games, and I prefer something lighter and cheaper.

For practicality and affordability, I'll take the opportunity to suggest my home built screen. Of course, you have to provide the actual GM's charts and tables yourself.

But for commercial screens, more specifically for the information on them, I'll jointly recommend the screens for seventh edition Call of Cthulhu and the latest edition of Delta Green. Both have atmospheric artwork on the player facing side and useful charts and tables on the other.
They don't need to be fancy, just practical. In fact, too fancy and they can be distracting (on the players' side) and finding the information can become difficult.

I will just say that there's something to be said for collating the charts and tables yourself. Only you know what's going to be useful, and what you might need that little reminder for.
One thing I regularly do, when using my homemade screen, is put area maps on the player facing side.


  1. When playing Dragon Warriors some years back I typed up all the information I needed onto two sides of A4, I thought that would be really good. I then ended up standing my A4 ring file upright to hide my dice throws behind.

    1. I do like my homemade screen, in my waffle above I didn't talk about hiding dice rolls, but it's an important reason to use one


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