Documenting my hobby; painting modelling and playing fantasy roleplaying and tabletop games.
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Quarterly Review
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Small Scale Rebels for Fistful of Lead/Galactic Heroes
I painted some 20mm Imperials back in February, so I thought it was time to do some opposition for them. I've managed to scour evilbay for some more of the 20mm Star Wars stuff, so I'm quite excited about this.
I should say that since I painted the Imps Merlin and I discussed how we are going to use the Star Wars minis we have. We have decided to singly base the 20mm minis as well as the 28mm, this way we can use them for Galactic Heroes, but also for Bigger Battles, a version of Fistful of Lead with squads rather than individual minis. We should have, between us, enough for some quite significant battles, which is what drew me to using this scale in the first place. I'll rebase my Imps soon*.
I began with some of the heroes from the 'Classic Heroes' set, Luke, Han, the droids and Chewie. The paint jobs on these varies, The droids are OK, Luke is pretty poor. I'm not a big fan of the crouching poses either, but they'll do. 3PO had a wash with Army Painter Flesh Wash and his leg painted Vallejo Game Color Chainmail Silver, R2 simply had a couple of washes of VGC Grey Wash to bring out the panelling and make him look a bit less pristine. The rest had a full repaint. I don't think I've got Chewie quite red-brown enough, but I'm pleased with how Luke and Han came out. I've also painted a Rebel Pilot. As he is just standing, looking about and holding his helmet I thought he might do as an objective.
Then on to the troops. I used a pack of nine Rebel Fleet Troopers, and added another Rebel Pilot o fill the rebels out to two crews of five. Each set of the infantry contains 9 minis in four poses. The Rebel Fleet Troopers are all armed with Rebel Blasters, no heavy weapons among them, so I decided to convert a couple of minis. I used various bits of plastic tubing and plasticard to make both the heavy blaster and the rocket launcher. They are a bit crude and out of scale, but I think they'll do, at least until I get better plastic tubing.
Sunday, 28 March 2021
Building Tatooine in 20mm Part 2
Saturday, 20 March 2021
Stripping for Fun and Profit - Part 3
This is part three of my trial of different methods of stripping paint off minis, you can find part two here.
I left the minis in their various dips for a couple more days, here are the results.
As before the best result on removal from the dip was the nail varnish remover. The paint was virtually gone. The Dettol was nearly as good, but small patches remained. However, after a good scrub with an old toothbrush, both were cleaned enough for my purpose. There always seems to be some small amount of discolouration, especially on plastics. Any larger paint patches can usually be carefully removed with a tool.
The Iso was a big disappointment. The Fauxhammer site suggests that it is the ultimate for mini stripping, but it's no where near as good as either Dettol or nail varnish remover. Some paint did come off, especially after scrubbing, but only in patches. In the end I put them all into some nail varnish remover, so this part of the trial is a definite fail.
In conclusion, nail varnish remover is perhaps slightly better at removing the old paint than Dettol, and certainly quicker. However, it degrades plastic, even the acrylic safe stuff. A couple of bases left in the dip came out soft and bendy, and I have had plastic components such as space marine backpacks, loose some fine detail. So unless you are keeping an eye on the process Dettol might be safer. Dettol seems pretty much OK to be left to work, even over weeks, without harming any plastic components.
However, now I have the Iso I put all stripped minis in it for a day. Both the other dips leave a slight coating which feels faintly greasy. This can be washed off in hot water with a bit of liquid soap, but the Dettol in particular can 'set' if water is used. The Iso is ideal for a final clean up.
So that's the test done. I have to admit to being surprised at the results. I didn't know how good or bad the Iso would be, it was a new method to me. I'd moved on to Dettol from nail varnish remover, but I've found the Dettol slightly less effective over a short time, though given longer, they both work pretty much the same.
My method for stripping is the same regardless of the dip used. I use old takeaway containers, similar plastic tubs are available in the kitchenware section of most supermarkets and similar. Into this place the minis to be stripped and pour your medium of choice over until the minis are covered. Leave this for two or three days then vigorously scrub off as much of the paint as possible. It's a good idea to wear gloves for this. An old toothbrush works well, as does one of those stiff nylon brushes sold in sets with a brass wire brush and a steel wire brush.
If you've used Dettol it's best to wash it clean first using just a bit of washing up liquid or liquid soap before using hot water, the nail varnish remover washes clean in hot soapy water. You may well need to dip the offending mini more than once to get it clean enough.
Finally, don't tip the waste down the sink, it contains bits of coloured acrylic plastic (the paint). Better to tip it into old newspaper and wrap it up before putting it in the rubbish.
I hope you've found this useful, and if you were wondering why 'Fun and Profit', I've found that stripped minis tend to sell better. I certainly prefer to buy unpainted or stripped minis, you never know quite what you're getting with a painted mini. A particular thing I dislike is the habit of evilbay sellers to sell minis undercoated in black. I've found they often have quite bad mould lines, and need more cleaning up before touching up the undercoat. Grrr.
Thursday, 18 March 2021
Reaper Bones 77086, 77084, 77142 & 77087 Villagers - Palette Cleanser 6
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
Stripping for Fun and Profit - part 2
Finally the Isopropanol
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Stripping for Fun and Profit - part 1
Friday, 12 March 2021
A Blogging Milestone
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Building Tatooine in 20mm
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Even More Space Orcs
I've finished another batch of Space Orks. I've certainly got enough for a crew for Fistful of Lead/Galactic Heroes. That said, there are a few more minis I'd like to get painted to give me more options.
Most of these minis were already built, and some I'd begun painting. Some of these are the orks from the Black Reach starter set, they are simpler minis, coming in only three pieces, but fit in fine among the multi-part kits. There were a few I built from scratch though; the rocket launcher and the chainsword wielder particularly. In Grimdark Future, one orc per unit can swap its close combat weapon for an 'ultra sawblade', so I thought a chainsword sounded appropriate. I also chose a head with a skull trophy for this orc, so it could be the unit leader if required, at least until I paint some more of the 'Nobs'.
The painting process was pretty much the same as the last two batches.
I'm glad I got these done, it completes a second GF unit, with a special weapon option. So now I have a leader and two units of warriors, with the option to include a special or heavy weapon in each unit. I may take a break from Space Orcs for a while, though as I said, there are a few more I'd like to add. I think in future I'll paint these mostly in batches of eleven, that way I'm doing a full unit of ten plus an optional special weapon.
I do aim to paint more of these, and I'm looking forward to getting on to some vehicles. Whether I'll use them for anything is a different matter, but it'll be good to have finally painted that long ago gift.
Next up another Palette Cleanser, but I've also been making some terrain, which I'll post soon, once it's finished.
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Reaper Bones Dwarven Cleric - Palette Cleanser 5
My next Bones Palette Cleanser was not picked up at random, she had been lying around on a windowsill for ages, and I though it was time I did something.
I didn't have any particular plans when painting this mini, but I had some vague ideas. In my D&D campaign world there are three main gods, or Powers, who represent the Sun. the Land and the Ocean. I decided she would be a cleric of the Land, but in the aspect of growing things rather than the more obviously dwarven aspect of Earth and Mining etc. So I chose a nice verdant green for the tunic, and some gold detailing. The tunic was a base of Vallejo Extra Opaque Heavy Green, highlighted up through VGC Sick Green and VGC Goblin Green. The fur 'skirt' was basecoated VGC Khaki, washed with Army Painter Strongtone, and highlighted up with Khaki and VGC Bonewhite. The rest of the colours should be pretty obvious, though I gave the hammer head a blue wash to make it look more magical, and to help the runes stand out more. The blue tint doesn't show too well on the photos, but it adds a subtle touch. The hair was VMC Mahogany, washed with AP Fleshwash then highlighted by mixing a little VGC Beasty Brown in with the base colour. I'm pleased with how the flask at her belt came out, I had planned to paint it bottle green, but I thought a bit of read would add interest to the mini.
Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night
The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989, Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...
I should apologise to Merlin/Bodvoc; I mentioned last post that I was painting an elf next, well, he is an elf, but an undead one. This min...
I received a copy of the Magic the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers board game the other day. I have seen a lot of posts on forums sugg...
One of the main reasons for choosing 6mm orcs for an Orctober project was that I have a lot already painted (loads unpainted as well, of cou...