Thursday, 18 March 2021

Reaper Bones 77086, 77084, 77142 & 77087 Villagers - Palette Cleanser 6

My latest Palette Cleanser is another finishing off job on a few minis. These are villagers from the first Reaper Bones kickstarter and some of them have poor detail. In fact I believe that some of them, such as the mother and children, were never released for retail.
Still, they do provide useful NPCs, something I don't have many of.

I started painting these a couple of years ago but ran out of inspiration. One issue I think is that they don't quite fit the pseudo late medieval feel that most of my DnD games have.
Going back to them it was mostly a case of finishing off, a bit more shading and highlighting, and varnish and basing.
I'd already done all the flesh, but I gave the Smith an Army Painter Flesh Wash to give him a more rugged outdoor look, I think it's turned out quite well.

These minis will come in useful for roleplaying, once we can get to meet around a table again, and could even be used in the upcoming fantasy version of Fistful of Lead as bystanders, targets or objectives.
I didn't dislike finishing these, but most of the pleasure is from reducing the Bones Pile of Shame. 
Next I'll get that stripping test finished, then on with another mini project, with, perhaps, a bit more Tatooine terrain.


  1. A very useful set of villagers with, as you point out, many uses. I particularly like the blacksmith figure.

    1. Thanks, I think the smith is the one I'm most pleased with.

  2. I'll second really liking the Blacksmith,too. Despite the mildly terrifying baby, I quite like the mother and children too. I'm suspicious that the innkeeper may be Mr. Shiny, though...

  3. Thanks, the baby is decidedly odd, perhaps it is actually young Mr Shiny?


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