Sunday, 28 March 2021

Building Tatooine in 20mm Part 2

I've finished another two buildings very much in the Tatooine style. These were slightly more complex than the last two (seen here) and I had a couple of false starts and pauses along the way.
They actually began as one building. I'd seen an octagonal building on a blog somewhere, but couldn't remember exactly where. My Shifting Lands multi corner cutter has the option to cut octagons so I just made it up as I went along.  However, it seemed wrong, I didn't like the way the doors attached to the building and I felt that the dome was too small and the walls too high.  Nothing seemed in scale. So I pulled the doors off and cut the main block in half. I tried to prise the small dome off, but only succeeded in tearing a chunk out of it.

Pause (I wish I'd got a picture of the building to show how wrong it looked)

I then found some more images of Tatooine buildings and used the Lars farmstead as inspiration. I used a larger dome, set the door alcoves into the main building using kitchen foil inner tubes as an arch and scraps of XPS for the sides.  I was much happier with it.
I was going to throw the other half away, but then decided to use it as a ruin. I have some 20mm Tusken Raiders, so I'm sure a ransacked farmstead would be useful. All I did was cut a section out to look like the entrance had been destroyed.


The second pause was after I'd applied some texture. I tried to mix the same sort of stuff as I used on the last buildings, but it came out looking too rough. OK, perhaps, for larger scales, but not right for 20mm. Eventually I gave them a second coat of just filler and PVA glue, which looked much better.

Moff Forescale inspects the damage done to one of the buildings.  Tusken Raiders or Rebels?

Painting was straightforward. The texture is still a bit rough, but it will do.
I added some bits around the bases as Tatooine buildings seem to have lots of stuff around them.
I'm pleased with these, they'll come in very useful for games of FfoL /GH. They are perhaps a bit dark in colour, and I haven't quite got the right look for the 'gubbins', but I'll keep working on it.

While I've been building these, Bodvoc has been busy too.  These are his buildings and there's more on his blog here
Mos Bodvoc?


  1. I think the buildings look great, also they did vary in colour so a few darker ones will do just fine.

    1. Thanks. Between us we are getting quite a collection.

    2. Thanks. I consider myself inspired by the quality of your Deadzone terrain.


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