Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Small Scale Rebels for Fistful of Lead/Galactic Heroes

I painted some 20mm Imperials back in February, so I thought it was time to do some opposition for them.  I've managed to scour evilbay for some more of the 20mm Star Wars stuff, so I'm quite excited about this.

I should say that since I painted the Imps Merlin and I discussed how we are going to use the Star Wars minis we have.  We have decided to singly base the 20mm minis as well as the 28mm, this way we can use them for Galactic Heroes, but also for Bigger Battles, a version of Fistful of Lead with squads rather than individual minis.  We should have, between us, enough for some quite significant battles, which is what drew me to using this scale in the first place.  I'll rebase my Imps soon*.

I began with some of the heroes from the 'Classic Heroes' set, Luke, Han, the droids and Chewie.  The paint jobs on these varies, The droids are OK, Luke is pretty poor.  I'm not a big fan of the crouching poses either, but they'll do.  3PO had a wash with Army Painter Flesh Wash and his leg painted Vallejo Game Color Chainmail Silver, R2 simply had a couple of washes of VGC Grey Wash to bring out the panelling and make him look a bit less pristine.  The rest had a full repaint.  I don't think I've got Chewie quite red-brown enough, but I'm pleased with how Luke and Han came out.  I've also painted a Rebel Pilot.  As he is just standing, looking about and holding his helmet I thought he might do as an objective.

Brave heroes of the Rebellion

Then on to the troops.  I used a pack of nine Rebel Fleet Troopers, and added another Rebel Pilot o fill the rebels out to two crews of five. Each set of the infantry contains 9 minis in four poses.  The Rebel Fleet Troopers are all armed with Rebel Blasters, no heavy weapons among them, so I decided to convert a couple of minis.  I used various bits of plastic tubing and plasticard to make both the heavy blaster and the rocket launcher.  They are a bit crude and out of scale, but I think they'll do, at least until I get better plastic tubing.

Two crews of rebels

I painted them to match my 28mm Rebel Fleet Troopers and chose the chap holding his helmet to be a squad leader, so gave him a tan uniform.  This is possibly a bit too dark, next time I'll go lighter.

I think en-mass they look fine, and I'm glad to have two crews with plenty of options for heroes as well.  The droids are mostly likely going to be scenario specific objectives.

*I've rebased my Imps now, so here are all the 20mm Star Wars minis and terrain pieces I've finished to date.


  1. Those crouching poses are odd,but the Rebs look great (nice red piping on Han's trousers) - I especially like the colours on the Fleet Troopers again.It works really well. Great 'group shot' at the end.

    1. Thanks, they were great fun to paint.
      I'm trying to get some better poses for the heroes, but keep getting snipped on evilbay.


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