Saturday, 20 March 2021

Stripping for Fun and Profit - Part 3

This is part three of my trial of different methods of stripping paint off minis, you can find part two here.

 I left the minis in their various dips for a couple more days, here are the results.

Nail varnish remover


As before the best result on removal from the dip was the nail varnish remover. The paint was virtually gone. The Dettol was nearly as good, but small patches remained. However, after a good scrub with an old toothbrush, both were cleaned enough for my purpose. There always seems to be some small amount of discolouration, especially on plastics. Any larger paint patches can usually be carefully removed with a tool.

The Iso was a big disappointment. The Fauxhammer site suggests that it is the ultimate for mini stripping, but it's no where near as good as either Dettol or nail varnish remover. Some paint did come off, especially after scrubbing, but only in patches. In the end I put them all into some nail varnish remover, so this part of the trial is a definite fail. 

In conclusion, nail varnish remover is perhaps slightly better at removing the old paint than Dettol, and certainly quicker. However, it degrades plastic, even the acrylic safe stuff.  A couple of bases left in the dip came out soft and bendy, and I have had plastic components such as space marine backpacks, loose some fine detail.  So unless you are keeping an eye on the process Dettol might be safer. Dettol seems pretty much OK to be left to work, even over weeks, without harming any plastic components. 

These are some slotta bases left in nail varnish remover for several weeks

However, now I have the Iso I put all stripped minis in it for a day.  Both the other dips leave a slight coating which feels faintly greasy.  This can be washed off in hot water with a bit of liquid soap, but the Dettol in particular can 'set' if water is used.  The Iso is ideal for a final clean up.

So that's the test done.  I have to admit to being surprised at the results.  I didn't know how good or bad the Iso would be, it was a new method to me.  I'd moved on to Dettol from nail varnish remover, but I've found the Dettol slightly less effective over a short time, though given longer, they both work pretty much the same. 

My method for stripping is the same regardless of the dip used.  I use old takeaway containers, similar plastic tubs are available in the kitchenware section of most supermarkets and similar.  Into this place  the minis to be stripped and pour your medium of choice over until the minis are covered.  Leave this for two or three days then vigorously scrub off as much of the paint as possible. It's a good idea to wear gloves for this. An old toothbrush works well, as does one of those stiff nylon brushes sold in sets with a brass wire brush and a steel wire brush. 

If you've used Dettol it's best to wash it clean first using just a bit of washing up liquid or liquid soap before using hot water, the nail varnish remover washes clean in hot soapy water. You may well need to dip the offending mini more than once to get it clean enough. 

Finally, don't tip the waste down the sink, it contains bits of coloured acrylic plastic (the paint). Better to tip it into old newspaper and wrap it up before putting it in the rubbish. 

I hope you've found this useful, and if you were wondering why 'Fun and Profit', I've found that stripped minis tend to sell better.  I certainly prefer to buy unpainted or stripped minis, you never know quite what you're getting with a painted mini.  A particular thing I dislike is the habit of evilbay sellers to sell minis undercoated in black.  I've found they often have quite bad mould lines, and need more cleaning up before touching up the undercoat.  Grrr.


  1. That has been a very interesting and educational read, thank you. I'm surprised at how well the nail polish remover works.Is it cheaper than Dettol?

    1. Thanks,I'm glad you found it helpful.
      Cost of nail varnish remover varies, own brands are the best for our purposes.
      I have both, so I'll probably keep the Dettol for anything with plastic components, as even the stuff for acrylic nails seems to soften plastic slightly.

    2. Also useful to learn that the nail varnish softens plastic, but then nail varnish does smell like plastic cement?

    3. I deliberately chose the stuff recommended for plastic nails, mind you, I don't suppose you're supposed to leave nails in the stuff for days.


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