Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Stripping for Fun and Profit - part 2

This is part two of my trial of different methods of stripping paint off minis, you can find part one here.

After about a day I checked the minis. I'm not expecting them to be done yet.
In each case I gave them a good scrubbing with an old toothbrush to see how much paint would come off. 

Firstly the nail polish remover.

One orc straight out of the nail polish remover

The wrinkled paint is what we are looking for, it means that the paint has started lifting away from the surface of the mini. 

Three orcs from the nail polish remover after a good scrub with an old toothbrush

I'm surprised how well the nail polish remover has worked. Not only has most of the paint gone, but the glue has loosened so the bases could be removed. These are almost good enough to be repainted (or sold).

Now the Dettol 
An orc straight out of the Dettol

Again there is quite a bit of wrinkling of the paint, though perhaps less than with the nail varnish remover.

Four orcs from the Dettol after scrubbing with a toothbrush

These aren't as good at this stage, though to be honest, I wouldn't expect the Dettol to have done much more than start to lift the paint.

 Finally the Isopropanol

Three orcs straight out of the Iso

There is  hardly any visible change to these orcs.

And after a good scrub with a toothbrush

I'll admit to being surprised both by how well the nail polish remover did and how poorly the Iso did.

Still, this is after only a day, so I'll put them all back in their relevant dips and see what happens in another day or so.  

You can find part three of this series here.


  1. VERY interesting. I would've assumed the Iso would be much more effective than that.

    1. Yes, it surprised me too. Part three should give the final result.

  2. Sounds like the Nail Varnish remover is the winner? Useful for me to have two daughters who both use it.

    1. It certainly seems to be the case, but I'll make a final judgment once it's all finished.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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