Monday, 6 February 2017

Budget Flying Stands (or use the forks)

I am in the process of making some flying constructs for the Monday night D&D game.  They aren't finished yet (4 hours to go), but I thought you might like to see the stands I made for them.
I have been putting most of my minis on clear bases recently, and I wanted something similar for these flying monsters. I could hunt through my box of bases for old GW flying stands, but I had an idea.

I bought a bag of plastic forks, (100 for £1).  Straightened the tines of one after dunking in very hot water (usual cautions about working with high temperature stuff), then snipped off a couple of the right length.
I then filed a peg on the broad end and drilled an equivalent hole in a clear acrylic base. Then simply glued the tine into the base.

It's not fancy, but it works.

Next time i'll show you what goes on top.


Rangers of Shadow Deep - More Heroes

I Can Stop Anytime I Like I find kit bashing minis for games such as Rangers of Shadow Deep almost compulsive. I sit surrounded by sprues an...