Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Flying Constructs

Yesterday's flying stands seem to have gone down well, so here's what I designed them for.
The current D&D adventure is set in an ancient catacomb.  It's been an age since anyone living has been in here, but the ancient safeguards may still be working.
For this construct I was thinking about a crystal, or a mass of crystals that can float in the air.  The base was the easy bit; I know how I was going to build those right at the beginning.
I looked around various craft shops for something to use for the crystal, but nothing, until I found a toy necklace.  (in fact a Frozen necklace) with nice plastic 'crystals' in three colours.  Bingo.
You've already seen how to make the stands, it was then literally a case of sticking the beads on in a more or less random pattern.  I used Evostick Serious glue, which seems to give a good strong bond on most surfaces.  it helps to glue a few beads together as sub assemblies, and take a bit of time.

 And here they are, all ready to give the heroes all sorts of pain.


  1. Nice idea, simple but effective!

    1. Thanks, quick too.
      Now to see how well they stand up to the Heroes.

  2. Looking forward to meeting these (I think...)


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...