Documenting my hobby; painting modelling and playing fantasy roleplaying and tabletop games.
Sunday, 31 October 2021
Orctober - Mantic Marauder Ripper Suits Progress
Friday, 22 October 2021
Orctober - Mantic Marauders Ripper Suits
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Orctober - 10mm Mordor Army Finished
I wasn't sure what colours to paint wargs. Tolkien describes them as grey, which works well for a fairly naturalistic scheme, and the minis themselves are very much 'big wolves'. The film wargs are more shades of brown, and I felt this contrasted better with the dark tones in the armoured riders (armour, shields and flesh on some of them). The undercoat had a Vallejo Game Color Khaki drybrush, I then darkened the back with VGC Beasty Brown (the same colour as the fur cloaks worn by some of the orcs, animal welfare issues?) and further darkened the back with a line of Army Painter Dark Tone. I darkened the eye sockets, but perhaps they would have looked more menacing with a red dot?
Saturday, 16 October 2021
15mm Dragon Rampant - Minis From the Vaults
Whilst sorting out my F'yar Guard I came across the elves I painted for Orc's Drift, along with some undead that may eventually be used if I ever play Terror of the Lichemaster. As I've never shown these before I thought readers might like to see them. They all date back to before my current basecoat, extreme highlight, wash style of painting rank and file troops. The elves in particular have had increasingly light highlights, which looks good on these models, but takes a long time to do compared to my 'quick' method.
The elves are Ral Partha Demonworld, lovely minis and a joy to paint. You can just about see them in the Kachas Pass battle report here. I still need to come up with an emblem for the banner; the Kachas Pass elves have a unicorn banner, which sounds fun, but I'm not sure my freehand painting is up to it. I might be able to find a transfer that works?
I'd originally planned for these elves to stand in for Bromedir's Bows at Orc's Drift as well, but those elves are armoured, so I might look for some in mail, there are plenty of Demonworld elves, and some of their High Elves look the part.
The undead are Magister Militum Blood Dawn, and like the F'yar Guard, rather large compared to other ranges. Whilst I like the minis and they paint up well, if I were starting again I'd choose Demonworld minis, simply because they are more in scale with the rest of my collection. I have some of the Demonworld zombies for the second and third Lichemaster scenarios, and the height difference is noticeable, though I'll live with it for now.
The 15mm Dragon Rampant box also contains some unpainted dwarves who I need for Orc's Drift (and the Terror of the Lichemaster, if I ever get onto it), so who knows, perhaps they'll get painted soon.
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Orctober - 10mm Mordor Army Progress
I've progressed well with my Copplestone Castings Mordor minis, begun here. Currently they are waiting for the shade wash to dry; there are a few little details and highlights to pick out, then its on to the varnishing stage. I have the pleasurable job of painting around 70 red eyes on shields; I prefer to do this after the gloss varnish, I find it gives a better surface for painting symbols and emblems.
Mordor trolls, lovely minis. I'm not sure which flesh colour I prefer.
I'm very happy with how they all look. I'm still going to drybrush a lighter brown on the wargs, and there are a few skulls and teeth on the trolls that could do with a highlight too, but the finishing line is definitely in sight.
You can see the finished army here.
Friday, 8 October 2021
Orctober - 10mm Lord of the Rings Mordor Army
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Orctober - F'yar Guard Completed
Monday, 4 October 2021
These ARE the Droids We Are Looking For
Sunday, 3 October 2021
Orctober - The F'yar Guard
Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night
The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989, Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...
I should apologise to Merlin/Bodvoc; I mentioned last post that I was painting an elf next, well, he is an elf, but an undead one. This min...
I received a copy of the Magic the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers board game the other day. I have seen a lot of posts on forums sugg...
One of the main reasons for choosing 6mm orcs for an Orctober project was that I have a lot already painted (loads unpainted as well, of cou...