Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Orctober - 10mm Mordor Army Progress

I've progressed well with my Copplestone Castings Mordor minis, begun here. Currently they are waiting for the shade wash to dry; there are a few little details and highlights to pick out, then its on to the varnishing stage.  I have the pleasurable job of painting around 70 red eyes on shields; I prefer to do this after the gloss varnish, I find it gives a better surface for painting symbols and emblems.  

The whole Mordor force so far

Orc command strip

Mordor trolls, lovely minis.  I'm not sure which flesh colour I prefer.

Warg riders and a lone warg

I'm very happy with how they all look.  I'm still going to drybrush a lighter brown on the wargs, and there are a few skulls and teeth on the trolls that could do with a highlight too, but the finishing line is definitely in sight.

You can see the finished army here.


  1. Excellent work, can't wait to see these finished and on the gaming table. As for your trolls, I like the mix/variety of flesh colours on them. Enjoy painting the shields, then add a banner too!

    1. Thanks, I'm quite a fan of mixed skin tones within an army.
      I've one banner, but I'll get some more. I could easily add flags to the pole armed orc as well.


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